Where There Are Tears, There Is Hope

where there are tears there is hope

Where there are tears, there is hope. Everything that hurts us, that changes us, also makes us grow and fight. Everything that afflicts us teaches us the value of smiles, caresses and good times. Bad times teach us to seek the strength to change them.

If there are tears, there can be motivation to change and to look for something better. There is no better fuel than that which emanates from the deepest sadness, which penetrates to the bones and makes us breathless. Because in life, the saddest moments precede the best changes; they push us into leaps into the void charged with fear and uncertainty, but which will bring us great benefits.

Where there are tears, there is hope, there is strength, there is character and feeling with the heart. That’s the reason for your outbreak. Each tear serves as an impetus and is a way to hit rock bottom to lean on the force that pushes us back to build something better.

Where there’s tears, there’s hope, there’s life

Where there are tears, there is life welling up inside us and therefore hope to keep fighting for something better. Remember that just as water gives us life, tears help us to know the strengths of our hearts.

eye crying frozen tears

So sadness is necessary for us to know our own worth. Because tears don’t act like rain on rock, they don’t corrode our insides, but they give us the courage we need to see the sun after the storm.

The rainbow only appears after a storm and if we don’t allow the rain to keep us from seeing beyond our sadness. The most beautiful things in life that we remember most are precisely the ones that seemed impossible, but we achieved it because we didn’t surrender to our inner storm.

We will learn to use the umbrella, let go, cry, scream and express what we are feeling when necessary. Learn to draw strength from your emotions and release your inner reality. Because there is nothing wrong with being human, there is nothing wrong with expressing an emotion.

Where there are tears there is an opportunity to learn

So, since there’s nothing wrong with expressing an emotion, why don’t we take advantage of it to learn and become a better person? Just as we are amazed at what we can do when we meet and hear our pain.

Nothing is as it seems and, just as a smile can hide the deepest sadness, behind the tears can hide opportunities, dreams and joys. Don’t get carried away by appearances, don’t bow your head in sadness.

woman crying blue tears

It is necessary to learn to listen to our tears to join forces with them and seek the change we desire. Let’s decipher their meaning to understand what bothers us, eliminate the reason for these tears from our lives and, if it’s not possible to say goodbye, build a bridge to all the learning they bring us.

Don’t forget that when we express our feelings, there will always be a friendly shoulder to support us and a hug that shelters us and gives us love. After heavy storms, there are always moments of calm, tranquility and time to think. When there are tears, there is hope, because behind every reason to cry there is an open door for everything to change.

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