When You Least Expect It, Life Always Surprises

When you least expect it, life always surprises

And without knowing how or why, life always ends up surprising you when you least expect it.  Do people have no control over their destinies and this vital flow that we engage with every day?

No doubt we have control. What happens is that many times we are the ones who close the doors to these opportunities, these changes, these fortuitous acts full of positivism and hope, to which we are all entitled.

If there’s one thing that’s also clear, it’s that simply wishing luck overtakes us won’t make it come by itself. What’s more, we also know that not only by acting with integrity and nobility we will always be lucky. Fate doesn’t seem to act like that.

Now, it all depends on how you put yourself in your own life. Sometimes, whoever stands up royally and firmly, with pride, with his armor on, ends up broken. Sometimes, it’s better to be like those ears of the field that adapt to the wind and its attacks, because they are flexible, because they are light and patient…

Life, like every aspect of this world, has its rhythm. It is necessary to know how to listen, take care and look at everyday life with an open mind and an awake heart. Good things will always come if you trust, if you feel worthy of it and know how to act.

Allow life to teach you and surprise you: open your mind

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It is often said that the good things in life appear to bring us happiness and the bad things to give us new lessons. Now, there are those who understand this last part not as a “vital learning”, but as a punishment of fate.

To better understand these ideas, just give a simple example. Imagine that you have a friend who has just suffered a sentimental disillusionment. You try to help that person, but they themselves see what happened not just as disappointment, but with anger and resentment.

She no longer believes in love, loses confidence in people and sees herself as someone “who wasn’t born to have a life as a couple”. Someone who doesn’t deserve to be loved. This kind of attitude is the one that closes doors, the one that doesn’t let life surprise.

  • Limiting thoughts are negative ideas that we consider true  without being true, and which, in addition, condition our lives.
  • They are often determined either by a bad experience, or because they were transmitted from a child at an educational level.
  • Limiting beliefs block us or cancel us out, preventing us from having new opportunities for learning, and even more, we take away from ourselves the ability to move forward, to grow.

We invite you to put into practice these simple advices to be able to break many of these inner walls that exist in our minds and in our hearts, which almost without realizing it, do not allow life, when you wish, to surprise us.

be aware of yourself

couple in love

To become aware of yourself, you need to do a little self-knowledge exercise, where you are able to intuit your own limiting thoughts, your fears and these thorns that everyone, somehow, put around ours. personal growth.

As you gain self-awareness and establish this necessary inner dialogue, you will see that it is necessary to banish old ideas that our parents and society itself transmitted to us.  Once you are able to walk free, barefoot from resentments and guilt, you will be able to see everyday life with greater hope. That’s where the good things come.

Engage in creative beliefs

Believing in yourself and creating the person you really want to be: this is about it. Is it so difficult? It’s actually quite a bit, and many things, and even people, may have to be left behind.

  • Keep in mind that in your social and personal circle there may be someone who limits your personal growth and prevents you from being who you really are and who you want to be.
  • Life will surprise us only if we go beyond our comfort zone and for that we need to be brave, break schemes and change one or another thought.

The creative force is in yourself. At this point in your life, you already know what adversity is, what it’s like to overcome a battle, so never give up on your efforts to maintain hope and optimism. It is an open window that must never close.


Images courtesy of Pascal Campion, Mijail Kohn, Art Mkl


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