When Worry Overtakes Us

When worry overtakes us

Worry is a state of mind in which we anticipate unpleasant, even unpredictable facts and consequences. It is a journey into the future that somehow makes us unable to fully live in the present and diverts some of our mental resources, seeking a solution to what is often just a possibility.

Worry can often produce physical symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, hair loss, skin problems, etc. The body speaks and asks us to stop ruminating like animals, put the cards on the table and face the real problem, forget about the imaginary and harrowing scenes we create in our minds.

Although it sounds easy, getting rid of worries is a hard task. They are invasive, take care of us and embitter our present.

Thanks to the ability we have to direct our thoughts, we can put worries out of our minds. It’s a difficult weapon to use because we don’t have a lot of practice, but if we want to fight a powerful opponent like Worry, we need to learn to use it consciously so that it works for us.

worry deceives us

It may seem that worrying is beneficial, but not quite. We learned that responsible people care, and through worries they manage to solve their problems more efficiently.

In fact, the only thing that can solve our problems is control over our thoughts to deal with worries. If problems are unsolvable, worries will not help to find a solution; if it’s something we can fix, go ahead.

woman-consumed by-worry

It is not uncommon for concern to have a positive connotation. Many people believe that what doesn’t concern us is not important to us. That is not true. Many times we have already found a solution to what others believe we should be concerned about, or we simply accept that there is no solution and assume that we have to live with the problem.

How to control worry

We can control our mind and worry is part of it. Forget worrying so that unpleasant things don’t happen in the future. If they have to happen, they’ll happen anyway, and it’s best to take care of them at the right time.

Here are some suggestions for you to get rid of worries and anxiety:

live in the present

We are often stuck in the past by something that happened that we cannot change, and we feel guilty. Or we worry that something bad will happen to us or those close to us and feel anxious.

Anyway, we are forgetting the present, which is our only reality. Use your willpower to live in the present, participate in a conversation, look around you, and focus on what you are doing right now. We cannot think of two things at the same time; if you focus on the here and now, you won’t be able to worry about the future.

Unpleasant facts happen to anyone

Very unpleasant things can often happen that completely change our life. But even so, we have to move on. Of course, not all worries come true, but the possibility exists. So accept that unpleasant events can happen and that you are able to face them and survive.


Analyze the solutions for each problem

As we mentioned before, the only solution that exists is to face the problem, analyze what the solutions are, if there really is a solution. Write down all the solutions that come to your mind and analyze which ones are most likely or not.

occupy your time

Keeping busy is a good way to free your mind from the ghosts that haunt you. Choose one or several activities that are enjoyable for you, keep your mind busy and it will be very difficult to think about problems.


Use the possibilities correctly

That possibility that you so dread will happen is very unlikely. So learn to manage the odds. Do not confuse possible with probable, because they are not synonymous. Think about how many flights happen every day and how many plane crashes happen each day. A plane crash is possible, but not likely, for example.

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