What Is The Best Exercise For The Brain?

What is the best exercise for the brain?

Exercising is not only extremely beneficial for our heart health, it is also great for our brain. In fact, exercising, in addition to being a great way to stay in shape and improve our mood, is also a natural way to improve our memory and protect our brain against the cognitive deterioration associated with age. . But after all, what is the best exercise for the brain?

Not all types of exercise are equally beneficial for the brain. In this article we will see which is the best option according to the results of the latest scientific studies.

In this sense, several recent researches suggest that  any type of exercise that raises the heart rate and makes us move and sweat  for a long period (which is the same as saying aerobic exercise) has a significant impact and very beneficial for the brain.

Overall,  exercise alters the structure and function of the brain. Animal and human studies have shown that physical activity generally increases brain volume and can reduce the number and size of age-related problems in the white and gray matter of the brain. In addition, exercise increases adult neurogenesis, the creation of new neurons in an already mature brain.

brain functioning

Brain exercise: bet on aerobic activities

We can already enjoy some of the benefits of exercise within minutes of starting to exercise. Others, such as improved memory, may take several weeks to appear. This means that the best type of fitness for the brain is any aerobic exercise that can be done regularly and consistently for at least 45 minutes.

A study of people with severe depression found that  just 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill for 10 consecutive days  was enough to produce a clinically relevant and statistically significant reduction in symptoms of depression.

Aerobic training can also help people who don’t have clinical depression feel less stressed. According to a recent study presented by the Journal of Physical Therapy Science , what happens is a reduction in the level of natural stress hormones in the body, such as adrenaline and cortisol.

On the other hand, a study published in the British Journal shows that  the best results for people over 50 come from combining aerobic exercise with resistance exercise. These combinations can range from high-intensity interval training to yoga dynamics interspersed with strength exercises (with weights or just body weight) or dance moves.

This research is also supported by another study, which using a sample of adults aged 60 to 88 years, found that  walking for 30 minutes, four days a week, over 12 weeks, appeared to improve synaptic activity in brain areas. memory-related and that are sensitive to deterioration over the years.

We think better after exercising

After all, researchers aren’t sure the reason behind the improvement in brain function through physical exercise, specifically aerobic training. Studies suggest it is related to increased blood flow, which provides energy and oxygen to the brain, but this is not the only explanation.

In fact, we can all experience the effects produced on our minds by a simple walk or a little exercise after a day’s work. This walk, or any other form of exercise, makes us feel more lucid. 

woman running in nature

This feeling is not just something in our mind. Research shows that  we think and learn better when we do some kind of exercise. It has been proven that when we exercise, there is an increase in blood flow throughout the body, including the brain. This provides more energy and oxygen, which makes our brains work better.

Another explanation for why sweating increases our mental capacity is that  the hippocampus, an essential part of the brain for learning and memory, is very active during exercise. When neurons in this part of the brain speed up, our cognitive function improves.

Finally, there is also a study carried out in elderly women with potential symptoms of dementia, which demonstrates that aerobic exercise is related to an increase in the size of the hippocampus. According to the researchers,  anyone over 50 years old should perform 45 minutes of aerobic exercise, 4 to 5 days a week,  within the physical possibilities of each one.

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