What Is Needed And What Exceeds

What is needed and what exceeds

The period we are living in has been a time of great challenges. If, on the one hand, we have easy access to information, on the other hand, we are overloaded with so much news, news, statistics, in short, a tangle of ideas, proposals and conflicts, that come to suffocate us. What is really needed?

It is necessary to select what stays, what goes away and what doesn’t even come in, to maintain balance. I wrote a text within a challenge that I proposed to do, which is the challenge of love, and the text is the one that follows, it illustrates well what this separating the wheat from the chaff would be.

necessary to filter social networks

– Today I was preparing lunch for my mother and on the run, with a thousand things on my mind, I was peeling garlic cloves and suddenly I realized: I put the garlic in the trash and the peel in the garlic kneading container, it was just two cloves , but enough to teach me a beautiful metaphor for how I’ve been living my life. And the lesson of love that I understood about this scene was: how many times by being distracted I have wasted moments, situations, people, things in my life, and thus occupied my time with the unnecessary, missing out on great opportunities.

Maybe I’m throwing away what I need and putting what won’t make a difference right now. And then the word ‘focus’ returns to the stages of my life. Distracted, unfocused and disorganized with my time and my dreams I let the opportunities pass and I put in the container things that, at that moment, are useless. As well as the garlic husk that can be used as fertilizer, but not for seasoning rice.


And the love was momentary, it seems that this event was purposeful, because at the same time I had this reflection and so I felt the love of God, of the Universe in showing me the lessons that I can change and transform my life. Now it’s time to identify what to do. But the main thing I already know, it takes a move. And so, we move forward and in love! – (Love Challenge 365)

I suggest that you think about your life, about what you have been doing with everything you have learned, are you putting everything in its proper container or have you been randomly passing through life without looking for something that really fulfills you? Living has a lot more meaning than you can imagine, which is important for you, suddenly it’s not so nice for the other, so don’t base your story on comparisons, everyone has their own story. When we prioritize the important things, we take responsibility for our choices and they become better.

I go even further with the metaphor I learned from the garlic clove. Many times, because we are so disconnected with the present, with this magical now moment, we use the container that is given to us to put things completely out of order with our reality. We often want to put a capital within a city to make things fit, and within this incompatibility at various levels, you attract frustration, anxiety, anguish, disillusionment, sadness, depression, and what was just a problem of incompatibility becomes a great internal conflict generating fear of failure.

Do this, start selecting from your email list, your WhatsApp groups, the contents of your networks’ timelines. What really works and what doesn’t need to be there. By doing this screening you will be able to have more clarity. Whenever you feel your mind doing anything that is not in the now, call it back, feel what is around you, feel your feet touching the ground, the wind in your face, the sound of birds singing or the keyboard of the your computer.

Commit to your present, this is the simplest way to live life in essence, a challenging task that requires a lot of effort, despite its simplicity, but understand: every time you are present in your present, you will have the best date of your life and it cancels out every sadness, hurt, guilt, anxiety your body felt. I wish you a beautiful journey of healing, lightness, evolution and lots of love!

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