Wastes Time

wastes time

Those who don’t live in love waste time, don’t dare, don’t try, don’t throw themselves into experiences for fear of suffering, of getting hurt, of regret… Later, it’s no use regret, because time doesn’t come back and, often, people don’t come back either. Those who have tried all the possibilities and insist on situations doomed to poisoning and suffering waste time. The years go by, and you don’t see what life presents again and again. Those who try to be present in the lives of those who do not care about their company, people who do not care or value them, waste time. People who appreciate you find time to be in your life.

It wastes time who persists in maintaining projects, dreams and relationships whose possibility to materialize, as life signaled by A plus B, does not exist. It wastes time who is skating in situations in order to save the other or bring about changes in him. This person’s illusion, we know very well that no one changes anyone, not even himself, if the other doesn’t want to. Those who spend their lives with their eyes turned to the past waste time, to people and situations that have gone and gone out of our way.

waste time that never comes back

It wastes time who accepts and agrees, even if tacitly, with arrogant, egocentric, immature attitudes of people who think they are the best in the world. Unfortunately, the subjects who do this do not realize that they are reinforcing the other’s difficulties instead of helping them. Those who do not seek to know themselves through laziness or unwillingness waste time, even though they know that, when it comes to life, nothing is free, nor are our learnings. It wastes time who uses people and devices to gain advantages, whatever they may be. Some people, of course, are carriers of “Zeus Syndrome”, not to say: #[email protected]. They came into the world only to be applauded and flattered, there is ego, there is patience…

It wastes time those who still believe that they came into the world thinking that everything is within our reach and that life will always smile in a good and generous way, even if they do not do their part. This is a big mistake, because things hardly happen as and when we want. It wastes time those who have not yet realized that there is a consequence for every attitude, be it good or bad. There is always a toll to be paid, and the price is often exorbitant. Those who are stuck with memories they cannot leave behind waste time. Life constantly changes our course, points to new directions and puts in front of us interesting opportunities and people, yet we don’t see them, not even with a magnifying glass!

waste time and get disorganized

Those who are wasting time are regretting what they had, what has gone and gone. With this attitude, he demonstrates that he was not aware when the opportunity happened, he slept on the spot and did not enjoy what life was giving him. It wastes time who does not realize that life is here and now and that there is no point in looking back if you do not have more access to past facts. Life has already happened, left its marks, whether we like it or not. Those who push life with their stomachs waste time, out of fear, self-indulgence, crumbs of attention and inability to take control of their own history, since it is much easier to outsource responsibilities and blame others when something doesn’t happen as expected .

Whoever closes himself in his own world, in his own cocoon, loses, trying to rescue, keep with claws and teeth what was taken from him and has already happened. It remains for him to try to minimize the damage so that the future will be more pleasant and for him to live with less frustration and guilt. It wastes time who doesn’t realize that time is creeping and light and doesn’t come back, it just allows to see glimpses of what happened so that one can try not to repeat the mistake and write a different narrative. Those who regret what they lost and do not use the opportunity to reinvent themselves and extract unknown talents from within themselves waste time, becoming boring, moody and dull. There is no one to stand it, not even he himself.

Those who live the lives of others are lost and, in doing so, they leave their own path aside. It wastes time who tries to show lying and false situations, because at one point the truth shows itself, no matter how much time passes. Finally, those who are left in the illusion that they can hide their anxieties and disappointments waste time. It is a fact and naive to think that an image of happiness can be conveyed when it is neither felt nor experienced. Frustrations are stamped on her face. “Insisting on this path is always raining in the wet”.

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