To Grow Up Is To Laugh At Something That Made Us Cry

To mature is to laugh at something that made us cry

Looking back won’t be a simple task if you haven’t been able to get over the past completely, and in fact you won’t know you’ve got over it until you’ve matured and found yourself laughing at something you’ve buried yourself in. That sense of overcoming that you feel when you get out of a complicated situation and see it differently is called maturation.

When you are going through a difficult time, perhaps the darkness somehow prevents you from seeing the exit to walk towards it. Perhaps, then, you prefer to stand still, not opposing your fears, not facing all the imaginary beings that you feel are a great threat.

However, if you think back to other situations in which you felt this way, even if the circumstances were not the same – they never are, never cross the same river – you will understand that difficulties that now seem gigantic often have equally large weak points. Then, the moment you meet them, you will be able to look back and feel how you can smile with pride at your own experience, your own fears.

Perhaps, reading this, you have remembered the phrase that says “it does not mature with the years, but with the damages”. The fact is that she is not without reason: suddenly these wounds, which are now scars, no longer bother and are the most tangible proof of how you grew up and what you learned.

Laugh at what hurt us

The stumbling blocks will have joined you forever. They’ll go with you as far as you want to go, you can’t run away from them, and they’ll be recorded in that book that claims to be your life. They will do it without exception, but you’ll get them to end up being past pages: those you’ve already read and that you can only read again if you want.


Furthermore, not only do you have the advantage of deciding whether or not you want to read them again: the most important thing is that it is entirely up to you to remember them in the most appropriate way, with the attitude you consider that deserve it.

That’s why I say that laughing at what hurt at some point is maturing, because maturing also means learning about yourself and being sure of who you are. You will have found your inflection point when you found yourself more lost, and this is more than enough reason to smile: you have freed yourself from a past that tied you and now you know how to undo new knots that arise.

Mistakes that turn into boulders on the way

Some of the biggest falls that life gives us are the result of mistakes that come from our own decisions: there are situations that demand a decision between several very important options for us, putting us “between a cross and a sword”. Either option takes us one way or another, and it’s possible that the one chosen isn’t the right one.

Personal mistakes become small stones with meaning, a meaning that you should understand so they don’t show up again later on in future journeys. The stones cause you to trip and fall over and over again, until you are forced to get up to continue: this implies a great effort that will leave its marks on you.

ready-to-mature woman

To mature is also to look at mistakes as learning opportunities and as tools to experience your life to the fullest. It’s true that failure hurts, sometimes a lot, but it’s much worse than it hurts for not trying to do a certain thing. Trying, failing, and trying again is part of your inner discovery.

To mature is to get rid of whoever made you cry

While it’s true that what made you cry may have been the result of your doing, it’s also possible that it wasn’t and that the damage came from something or someone outside. Sometimes, for example, you may have been in a toxic relationship that was slow to get out of and that emotionally destabilized you.

Or, on the contrary, maybe you’re in one of those moments when it’s hard to cut the threads that bind you to other people you care about and who have given you their best shot: for whatever reason you need to take in the goodbyes and stop crying. for what was or is not.

ready-to-mature woman

Elvira Sastre says that a life without courage is an infinite way back : growing up has a lot to do with being courageous at every step you take, especially the most difficult ones, so that you never lack strength in the face of difficulties.

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