Think: Will You Surrender Now?

Think: will you surrender now?

Today is that day. You fell again, you failed again. It seems that no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to conquer that mountain on which your dreams rest up there.  You know that everything takes  effort , but you start to think maybe it’s time to surrender.  Maybe so much effort is no longer worth it.

But then you start remembering every step of the way. All the effort, the struggle and the insistence, everything you’ve learned, and a little smile crosses your face.  You knew this was going to be difficult, but you also know that even if you haven’t reached the top of the mountain yet, you’ve already conquered part of the way, part of your life.

You are no longer that person who started climbing the mountain. Now you know your limits the way you know everything you’re capable of. You know you learned a lot in every way. Yes, you suffered, but you were also happy, brave, took a risk, and overcame many of your fears. And that’s when the question arises: are you going to surrender now?


Who said starting over is failing?

Who said starting over is failing? Who said that trying again is crazy? Probably someone who has surrendered many times in his life. Someone who is more afraid of failing again than the courage to face the fear. Someone who is therefore less likely to give advice.

To start again is to dream again, it is to return to living the life that is sought. It’s trying to be what you really dream of being. For this reason, it is necessary to keep insisting as many times as necessary. At least until your dreams change. Because just like that, without surrendering, will you be satisfied with yourself for everything you’ve done.  Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s better to surrender to what’s easy than fight for what makes you happy.

And if the idea of ​​something makes you happy, even if you don’t have it yet, then it’s always worth fighting for. Because, at the end of the path, all this will be forgotten, however painful it was.  Our memory tends to remember the most beautiful moments better; and getting what you most want will make the bad moments that happened along the way no longer stones, but sand through which you can walk barefoot to remember what happened.

ball of light

To betray yourself is to fail, to try again is to fight

Get the idea out of your head that a failure is a failure or that a drop is necessarily a mistake.  A failure is to betray your values, it is to prefer conformism to possibility, when that possibility is very much desired. On the other hand, it is not a failure to be prudent; what’s more, prudence may be the smartest option, once the possibilities have run out, or the remaining possibilities demand a very high cost: better to throw in the towel than life.

Retrying with determination makes everything suddenly simpler, because you get smarter. You left behind the baggage of doubts and exchanged them for an intense experience in knowledge. The opinions of others, those who want you to surrender, belong to others, and therefore cannot affect you. Start living what you feel.

That’s when you’ll look back and say: “It’s over, I got it!”.  I say this because I know you can do it. Because I know you’re stronger than anyone when you fight for what you want, and even if you have doubts now, believe me, you can. And I also know that it’s no coincidence that you’re reading this right now, it’s because you’re about to begin this new process. Continue a little longer, because you’re very close to getting there. Trust yourself and all you are worth.

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