Theory Of Relational Frames

According to the Theory of Relational Frames, it can be said that there are some properties of language that favor suffering. One of them would be, precisely, the ability to literally believe what our thoughts, emotions and feelings say and to act on them.
Theory of Relational Frames

The Relational Frames Theory is a theory about language and cognition that serves as an experimental basis for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). From the perspective of Relational Frames Theory, behavior and language are intrinsically related.

This framework provides a working explanation of some findings derived from cognitive research on language and provides the basis for studying phenomena in a monistic manner.

It is a theory that aspires to study the so-called “mental processes” in an operational and experimental way.

Concepts and properties

To understand what a relational framework is, it is necessary to know that human beings do not only learn from direct experiences. People also learn indirectly, relating stimuli beyond their physical properties.

This added linguistic value of the stimuli is what would condition their ability to govern relationships and functions.

worried woman thinking about life

Properties of a relational frame

To link and transform both cognition and language, there are three properties:

  • Mutual binding. A relationship between two stimuli presupposes responding to one in terms of the other and vice versa. If, in a given context, A is directly related to B, then there is a derived relationship between B and A.
  • Combinatorial binding. One of the defining characteristics of frames refers to the ability to mutually combine events. If A is related in a characteristic way to B, and A is related to C, B and C would also be related.
  • Function transformation. Given a stimulus that has a function, if another stimulus establishes a relationship with it in that context, the function of both is transformed by the relationship. For example, if someone tells us that there is a better and cheaper product than the one we usually use, the probability that we will buy it increases. Its function has been transformed by the relationship that has been established.

Contextual clues in Relational Frames Theory

Mutual bindings, multiple binding combinations and role transformations are components of a broader relational response pattern that Relational Frame Theory (RFT) calls “relational frame”.

The concept is used to explain how we learn to make associations derived from relationships between stimuli.

Relational frames can be combined to generate verbal rules that govern behavior. This process allows people to organize, predict and control the achievement of consequences in relation to the context. In this way, it is possible to anticipate future situations without having lived them.

Contextual Keys in Relational Frame Theory

Each learning context presents multiple stimuli with the potential to acquire the value of keys that govern the development of relational frames. RFT distinguishes two subtypes of contextual keys:

  • Those that govern the specified relationship type (C rel ). The most notable types are coordination, opposition, distinction, comparison, spatial, temporal, causal, hierarchical, and deictic.
  • As each stimulus or event can have multiple psychological functions,  a second class of contextual keys (C func ) will specify which stimulus functions will be transformed  (Torneke, 2010).

The Theory of Relational Frames as an explanation of human suffering

In this theoretical framework, it can be said that there are some properties of language that make psychological suffering very common.

One of them would be, precisely, the ability to literally believe what our thoughts, emotions and feelings say and to act on them.

So, if a person considers himself a “junk” and thinks he is “worthless”, this will likely limit his attitude a lot. In that way, we would see how many people forgo achievable goals because they think they are out of reach.

Types of Verbal Rules in Relational Structure Theory

The Theory of Relational Frames went deeper into this fact, explaining the main types of verbal regulation (Luciano and Wilson, 2002):

  • Pliance . In this type of rule, consequences are achieved by following them and are enforced by the person who generated the rule. These are behaviors largely determined by what the cultural context determines to be appropriate. For example, a mother says: “If you don’t eat, you will be grounded”.
  • Tracking . These are verbally regulated behaviors that guide the human being to obtain concrete reinforcers in the context. They are directly associated with the consequences obtained from the behavior. For example, “If you eat, you will stop being hungry and you will feel better”. In this case, the consequences would depend on the characteristics of the food and are independent of who declared the rule.
  • Augmenting . It is a transformation of functions that determines that a verbal stimulus, an object or an event acquires a reinforcing or aversive value. It is important to highlight that they always operate in combination with pliance and tracking .

The  Augmenting is a verbal rule amending the reinforcing properties of a stimulus that acts as a consequence, that is, increases or decreases the likelihood of such stimuli influence behavior.

For example, walking past an ice cream parlor, someone says, “How nice would an ice cream be right now!” When we hear or read this sentence, we feel, to some extent, the flavor and freshness of ice cream, which increases the likelihood of consuming it.

Behavior patterns determined by verbal rules

Verbal regulations allow us to govern our behaviors depending on the context, but they can also have different adverse effects:

  • Strict compliance with Pliance rules means that the individual becomes insensitive to the consequences present in the surroundings. An example would be: “You need to suffer a lot to be a good mother”. Its rigidity would limit the assertive repertoire needed to defend basic rights.
  • Tracking rules determine behaviors aimed at obtaining short-term benefits, but which limit the development of important behaviors for personal development:  “I must use drugs to calm myself down”.
  • The  Augmentals operate in coordination with the strict counter or compliance rules. They can specify aversive functions for private events – “You can’t live with worries” – or appetitive functions for constant and unattainable emotional conditions – “Living happily is healthy”.
thoughtful serious man

Contributions and advantages of the Theory of Relational Frames

The Relational Frames Theory led to the development of an analysis system that offers many advantages:

  • It is a parsimonious approach based on a relatively small number of basic principles and concepts to explain the phenomena of language and cognition.
  • Allows to carry out a study of human language according to the processes that compose it, whose definition is carefully specified.
  • It has a broad scope and offers plausible explanations and new empirical approaches  for a wide range of complex human behaviors.

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