The Way To Start Is To Stop Talking And Start Doing

The way to start is to stop talking and start doing

It’s very easy to say, but not so easy to do. It’s a topic we hear from dozens of friends and family. Everyone has something in life they would like to start, a dream to fulfill and some task to start, but we are always left with words and projects never start.

Therefore, it is very important that everything you dream of doing is not just on paper. If you really have a project in your life that you aspire to see carried out at any cost, never leave it alone or allow it to stop, because in the end it will fall to the wind and it will be just one more frustration that will cause your soul, in your psyche and in your heart.

words are blown away

Words are blown away. You can say over and over that you are going to accomplish the great project of your life, but if you do nothing, if you don’t act, you will never see it accomplished. It takes action to make your plans come to life.


The sacrifice of those who manage to take the risk and not stay in the constant chatter is the only one that ultimately has a reward. And don’t think that because it’s an arduous path, it’s not worth it. During the entire journey you will reach small goals that will fill you with satisfaction until the final big achievement. Don’t stand still, looking at infinity, talking and waiting for everything to happen on its own, because that’s something that doesn’t happen.

Those who don’t act don’t make mistakes, but they don’t win either

All those who talk about big projects without ever doing anything, quiet in their own disgrace and immobility, are the ones who will never be mistaken, but neither will they triumph. Because nothing comes by chance, everything takes effort.

Even great geniuses like Isaac Newton made their enormous discoveries and contributions to science almost by accident, not because they kept quiet. They spoke, but they also worked, postulated and took risks. They were prepared. Therefore, even if success came when they least expected it, they knew how to see it, take advantage of it and spread it. Perhaps for someone else it had passed before their eyes and had not been able to see it.

start without regret

When someone decides to start something, there may be a time when they feel regret. Those difficult moments in which maybe I would have preferred to do nothing to avoid making mistakes and suffering. However, the rewards of the brave are far greater than those of the coward.


It turns out that the lack of action and stillness have no premium at all beyond fear. Living always shrunken, running away from everything that is great, does not attract greatness, happiness and the pride of having achieved your goal at all.

Finally, the regret of having done nothing is much greater than the regret of having made a mistake. You will always be sure you have tried. You put all of yourself into achieving a benefit, an action, a goal. Otherwise, you will constantly be confronted by the doubt of what could have been and wasn’t.

Never stand still before starting. Don’t let yourself one day come to the conclusion that you just talk about your big ideas, but don’t put any of them into practice, because you will feel enormously frustrated and sad. Don’t let fear paralyze your muscles and you can’t enjoy life to its fullest extent.

Think that the opportunity is before you, in front of your own eyes. However, it is a terrain reserved for those who dare to do anything. Those who act, start their projects and don’t talk about what could have been and wasn’t because they never had the daring to start.

In this life it is important to be brave. To see your dreams come true you need to start, not talk. Don’t listen to those who say it’s better to be still. Be brave and run after what you want, because that’s the only way you will have a full and happy life.

Images courtesy of Catrin Welz-Stein.

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