The Story Of The Two Slaves

In the story of the two slaves, we find a reflection on freedom and power. Is someone who has dominion over others powerful, or is he who is able to have control over himself?
The story of the two slaves

The story of the two slaves tells of a distant kingdom ruled by a sultan recognized everywhere for his nobility and generosity.

The ruler did not levy disproportionate taxes on his people; on the contrary, he did everything in his power to improve the situation of those most in need. He was also very wise when deciding.

The kingdom enjoyed peace and harmony. Poverty, which had once painted the everyday landscape, had disappeared and citizens enjoyed each other’s help. They loved and respected the sultan, who had ruled for 40 years.

The story of the two slaves tells that, at that time, no one imagined that everything would suddenly change.

The sultan had a son he had carefully educated. He knew he was his successor and wanted his legacy to continue. So he got a teacher who patiently instructed him in the art of governing.

He didn’t want to lose all the harmony they had worked so hard for in the kingdom. Knowing that he was already old, he understood that his son would soon succeed him.

Sultan’s son becomes heir

The sultan was wise enough to intuit that his death was near. So he called his son and announced that he would abdicate the throne. He took the opportunity to remind him that the art of governing is an exercise in intelligence in which firmness must be combined with the sensitivity necessary to listen to the people.

Then he recommended that, in the face of any doubt or dilemma, he always consulted his heart.

Likewise, the Sultan explained that being sovereign also means being humble. Only by knowing and understanding his own interests and needs, the ruler could also govern well.

He also insisted that power had the ability to cloud judgment and distort reason. The only way to avoid this was to keep your spirit free and your heart clean.

As the story of the two slaves recounts, the sultan’s son listened carefully and promised his father that he would live up to the kingdom he would inherit. The next day, he was crowned in a lavish ceremony. Just three weeks later, the old sultan died in his bed.

Muslim mosque

rule by the sultan’s son

The story of the two slaves tells that the sultan’s son began to rule as his father had done. However, a short time later, he thought it was time for his kingdom to expand.

Therefore, it began to invade neighboring nations and in a short time its territories expanded significantly. The military companies also left new peoples subject to him, whom he enslaved. He thought his own people would be better off if they had slaves.

The new sultan felt increasingly powerful. So it decided to continue expanding its domains as far as possible. The continuous war ended the tranquility in the kingdom and the inhabitants became angry and suspicious.

Ambition began to dominate everyone, especially the sultan, who was no longer the gentle young man he used to be.

According to the story of the two slaves, some inhabitants tried to rebel against the new sovereign. They thought he was acting badly and longed for times past. The government discovered them and took no pity on them.

The teaching of the history of the two slaves

Several years passed and a time came when everyone feared their new sultan. No one dared contradict him, a drug that made him more and more intoxicated. He thought he was the most powerful man on the planet and that everyone in his nation had an obligation to follow his orders, whatever they were.

To measure his power, one day he decided to go out on the streets of the capital dressed in his best attire astride his most imposing horse.

The Sultan rode his horse through the main streets. When they saw him, everyone bowed their heads and bowed. The silence was almost absolute. As they passed through a humble village, a man in rags came out of the house.

He stared at the sultan steadily and did not bow down or offer his bow. The new sultan looked at him with contempt and ordered him to get down.

The story of the two slaves

The man asked if he didn’t remember him. He had been her teacher when the sultan was just a child. The sovereign paid no attention and insisted that he kneel down.

With that, the man replied, “Why should I bow to you if I own two slaves who are your masters?” The sultan paled with anger. He took out his saber to attack the man. Before taking the first step, he heard the words the sultan would never forget: “You are a slave to anger and greed, two masters I master.”

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