The Real Failure Is When We Stop Trying

The real failure is when we stop trying

The fear of failure is quite common and is part of the thoughts that limit our capabilities,  It paralyzes us and prevents us from starting many interesting projects that we believe are not within our reach.

However, the real failure is to stop trying something for the fear of failure. After all, making mistakes is the essence of our learning, in any aspect of life.

In our first few months of life, we do nothing but face every step we take, falling and rising again and again, testing, investigating and exploring everything around us.

We wouldn’t have learned to walk if we hadn’t faced each of our falls. The same happens with any meaningful learning: we had to make an effort and a failed attempt to incorporate it into our repertoire.

Confronting life’s obstacles

The obstacles that arise for each of us have a great value, both for our personal development and for understanding the value of effort.

Thanks to the difficulties that arise, we are improving and acquiring new skills that help us to face future situations.

overcome obstacles

These obstacles can be thoughts, fears, circumstances, etc. The important thing is to understand these difficulties, understand why they are there, what role they have for us, and what lesson we can learn from the situation.

The triumph is for those who have the courage to try

It is very simple and comfortable to think that we cannot get what we want, that it is too difficult and requires a lot of effort. Not trying is the real failure.

The people who really conquer the triumph are the ones who don’t stop, are the ones who don’t get paralyzed, are the ones who don’t stop to complain about the effort they will have to make, the ones who pursue each of their goals step by step until they achieve the that was proposed.

These are people who see failure as something necessary, as an opportunity to learn and improve. They are those people who ask themselves every day if they are where they want to be, and if they are doing what they really love and love.


Success is for those who understand failure

Understanding that frustration is part of the way is a great personal growth, as not getting what you want often is an opportunity to change perspective.

Failure is not so frustrating when we have a clear conscience that we have tried our best.

There is no need to feel guilty, and there is nothing to fear in the face of the “failure” of not having achieved what you tried.

What is really important and valuable is not related to success, nor to the recognition of others, but lies in the lessons that we can acquire during the process.

Dare to try what you want. You may not get what you intended, but at least you will never regret not trying. And along the way you can find a world of enriching possibilities.

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