The Perfect Mother For You

the perfect mother for you

Talking about mother is something complicated for many, pleasurable or nostalgic for others. Many times we cannot understand the role of a mother, in fact I only managed to understand mine after becoming a mother.

There are many types of mothers: The loving, the jealous, the possessive, the worried, and on the other hand we also have those apparently without affection, the violent ones who even abandon the child. I say it apparently because no one knows what goes on in a mother’s heart, and she certainly had many reasons to act or be in a certain way not very pleasant by society, family or children themselves.

mother and daughter

Understanding, loving and accepting your mother the way she is or was is something that takes work because it requires the child to put himself in her shoes and relive his life story, his childhood, the way he was raised, his struggles, his pains. , your afflictions, your joys. Only then will we be able to see how much our mother was able to do, to overcome or to give up many things for the love of her child. No one knows a mother’s reasons and feelings, and we must never judge or condemn her for an unpleasant or inappropriate attitude.

I may be speaking today to someone who has been hurt, abandoned, or just doesn’t accept their mother as she is. Put yourself in her shoes and you will be able to see that what she did, within the situation she was living, within her possibilities, she still managed to do her best, thinking about the best for her son and giving something much better than what she received . Today I believe that no mother is able to forget a child and stop loving him.

mother for life

I have met several children who harbor sorrow for their mother, who blame her for their miserable life or her failures, and who live a bitter life. This is not right, you need to accept your choices, accept your past and overcome everything that prevents you from growing. Put yourself in your mother’s shoes and you’ll see that she was the best she could be, she was able to give what she learned believing to be right, she didn’t learn to be anything else, she simply was, and she’s the ideal mother for you . Never blame her for not being different. Nobody shows love if they have never learned what they are or if they have never received it.

Today I know and can say with all my heart, after reliving the whole story of my mother’s life, that she was perfect in everything, the perfect mother for me, what she did wrong was trying to get it right, what she condemned or criticized for having failed me was simply ALL she knew how to give, because that’s how she learned and there was no way she could do it differently, but I know that she still managed to do the best. She managed to be perfect for me. God gave me the grace to be born, He didn’t give me a perfect home because no one has, but He certainly gave me a perfect mother for me and a perfect mother for you too, because everything in this life has a reason, a reason and a purpose! Accept this in your heart and you will see how much life has been generous to you.

Text written by Irailde Santana.
Learn more about the author’s work by accessing her Facebook page.

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