The Pain And Satisfaction Of Change

The pain and satisfaction of change

At various times in life, we face situations in which we need to change, decisions that need to be taken, which demand anguish, because we don’t know what the result will be. Change of school, house, city, country, job, social position, marital status, roles, attitudes, behaviors, habits (…) in short, there are several changes experienced.

There are those people who go through a lot of changes in their lives and no longer feel fear, or panic at the thought that they will have to change again. There are those who haven’t gone through many changes, having a certain resistance whenever they need to make one. They take time to get used to, feeling strange about the new features found.


There are natural changes that come with time, as age passes and maturity comes, many of us start to have different priorities, different roles. Leaving the parents’ house is a great transformation in life, we realize that nothing is free, that nothing comes ready, especially if the parents don’t have a lot of financial conditions to help. Regardless of living alone/alone, with friends/friends or with a partner/partner, husband/wife, it will be very different from when you live with your parents. There will be responsibilities that never existed before, we realize that dirty dishes don’t clean themselves, the electricity is turned off if we don’t pay, the refrigerator is empty if we don’t go shopping, in short, we’ve learned that everything has a cost, that life it can be harder than it ever seemed.

Another big change, which for many begins when they leave their parents’ home, and for others after many transitions, is marriage, the moment when two different people decide to share their space, their life, their future, their history. It is an occasion when, if both are not willing to live a real change, it will not work, and they will live a vicissitude: separation, the end of a couple, a change that can be terrible for many, for some it can bring a certain relief, but a load of anguish, disappointment, feeling of failure also comes. For some people it is very difficult, they feel lost, without ground, seeking justification, blaming and torturing themselves, but with time and help, including professional help, they realize that the world is not over, that they can start again and face new challenges.

We cannot fail to talk about a great transformation: being a mother and being a father. From one moment to another, one passes from being a son/daughter to a father/mother. Everything changes, from this moment on, life is not as it always was, we have to think for someone else and dedicate ourselves entirely to this someone. It is a time of discoveries, many people realize that they have a strength, a capacity much greater than they thought, others cannot handle it, they need a lot of help, but everyone grows, as people, as citizens, they learn from these little beings, if develop, evolve.

life change

And the changes continue, with each achievement, with each difficulty, with each smile, with each tear… Sometimes it’s difficult, sometimes it hurts, sometimes we wonder if it couldn’t be different, but the choices are like that, we give up something thing, good or bad, that can lead to something better, bring personal development and help us to grow in all areas of life.

It’s important to take responsibility for our choices, never blaming people or situations for something that didn’t work out, but to be the authors of our story, trusting that if something still doesn’t work, when we’re ready, it will, or we’ll transform to the point of we don’t need that old desire to work.

Fear always comes at the time of change, whether it looks good or not, but we must not allow it to stop us, we cannot sabotage ourselves, never give up, always have greater courage than fear, have self-acceptance, self-confidence, knowing that we are able to win whatever is necessary. Like the caterpillar, we must not cut steps, but accept the metamorphosis, leave the comfort zone, glimpse and open up new horizons, aware that with each fall it is necessary and possible, just believe!

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