The Fear Of Taking The First Step…

The fear of taking the first step...

Fear of taking the first step is one of the factors that sabotages our dreams, both big and small. It is in this first step that many of our fears are condensed.

In general, once we get moving, fears tend to fade away. If we set out on the path, most likely we will end up realizing that we were more capable than we initially believed.

When we allow ourselves to be invaded by fear, we begin to put off those challenges that really matter. The fear of taking the first step sets in and it may make us spend more time imagining the possible risks than gathering the courage to pursue what interests us so much.

It is natural for human beings to feel a little apprehensive about everything they do not know or that will test them. Getting out of the ordinary causes worry and awakens our dormant insecurities. That’s where the fear of taking the first step comes from…

It means moving away from the known and exposing yourself to the uncertain. However, if we don’t, our big dreams and goals are likely to be postponed forever. So, how to overcome this fear that invades us and prevents us from moving towards the new?

The first tip for overcoming the fear of taking the first step

It has become commonplace to say that fears are overcome when they are faced. But, as commonplace as it is, it is still true. There is no other way. You have to look fears in the eyes, knowing they won’t seem so big when they’ve been overcome.

On the other hand, looking them in the eye means identifying them. That is, defining them. That’s the right way to start the process of coming to terms with our fears.

Identify what you are protecting yourself from or what you want to avoid. Find out if you are afraid of failing, of not being able to overcome the challenges that lie ahead, or of specific situations that have happened to you in the past.

In this sense, write them down, make them explicit, don’t let them affect you below your level of consciousness. Thus, by recognizing the existence of fears, you will be in a position to deal with them.

To overcome the fear of taking the first step, the first thing you need to do is name that fear. As absurd as they are, they are your fears. Thus, to define them is to start facing them. On the other hand, it is very likely that by doing this, they will start to decrease.

woman walking in nature

The effects of not taking action

Think: what would happen if you succumbed to the fear of taking the first step?  If you have set yourself a challenge or a goal, it is because it represents a need or a desire. So it’s very healthy to imagine what would happen if you kept still.

When you reach this point, put away the “mental noises”. These noises bring the echo of phrases such as “The bad is better known than the good that we don’t know yet”. Or statements like “Why try to get better if, after all, you’re not that bad?”

The insecurity you feel is normal. In fact, it’s quite positive. It’s good to use insecurity to your advantage. It’s a way that helps you be more cautious and better measure the consequences of your actions.

woman walking in forest

The now, the support and the little push

Faced with the fear of taking the first step, it is common that our first strategy to face it is to postpone or avoid what generates this emotion. We leave it for next week, or after exams, or after New Year’s. In fact, this is a trap.

When postponed, fear does not decrease, on the contrary, it increases. It’s best that you set a reasonable date and commit yourself to sticking to it.

In the meantime, it’s a good idea to seek support from someone you can trust. Must be a strong person, who helps you gather strength instead of filling you with insecurity. In general, those who dare to move forward bring positive contributions.

On the contrary, those who have become stagnant in a comfortable and unimportant life often try to convince you to give in to your fears.

You’ll just need a little extra push, but in the end, you’ll need to act. It’s the moment when you stop thinking and just do it. Once the fear of taking the first step is overcome, everything becomes easier, but only if you take that first step will you be able to see how true this is.

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