The Buddhist Legend About Cats

The Buddhist Legend About Cats

For Buddhism, cats represent spirituality. They are enlightened beings who convey calm and harmony and, for this reason, it is said that those who do not relate well with their unconscious will never fully connect with a cat, nor will they understand its mysteries.

The truth is that no one is surprised to learn that the figure of these animals is united with Buddhism. So much so that in Thailand there is a sacred legend that transcended time to convert cats into unique beings of peace and intimate union, there being several in many temples in Asian countries. This is why it is so common to see so many cats sleeping and curled up in the arms of the multiple sacred statues of Buddha and other themes that adorn the gardens of the shrines.

It is often said that having a dog is having the most faithful companion there is. That’s totally right. Even so, those who know the character of a cat feel that the connection is more intimate and deep, and that is why many Buddhist monks such as master Hsing Yun speak of the healing power of this animal. We invite you to discover it with us.

buddha cats

A Buddhist legend about cats from Thailand

First of all we have to know something very important. Buddhism is not organized in a vertical hierarchy, as we already know. Religious authority rests on sacred texts, but in turn there is great flexibility in its own approaches. The legend that we are going to show has its roots in a specific school: that of Theravada Buddhism, or the Buddhism of the lineage of the ancients.

It was in Thailand and within this context that “The book of the cat’s poems” was written, or the Tamra Maew, preserved today in the National Library in Bangkok as an authentic treasure that must be preserved. In his ancient papyrus one can read a charming story that tells that when a person had reached the highest levels of spirituality and died, his soul would placidly join the body of a cat.

Life could then be very short, or as long as feline longevity would allow, but when the end came, this soul knew it would rise to an enlightened plane. The Thai people at that time, knowing this belief, also maintained another curious practice…

buddha cats

When a family member died, the person was buried in a crypt along with a live cat. The crypt always had a space where the animal could leave, and when it did, they were certain that the soul of the loved one was already inside that noble cat… In this way, he reached freedom and that place of calm and spirituality capable of preparing the soul to the later path, the path of ascension.

cats and spirituality

It is said that cats are like little monks capable of bringing harmony anywhere. For the Buddhist order of Fo Guang Shan, for example, they are like people who have already attained enlightenment.

  • Cats are free beings who drink when they’re thirsty, who eat when they’re hungry, who sleep when they’re sleepy, and who do what needs to be done at every moment without needing to please anyone.
  • They don’t get carried away by the ego, and something special about these animals according to this branch of Buddhism is that cats have learned to feel what comes from man since very ancient times in the history of time. However, people have not yet learned to feel the cat in the present.
  • They are loyal, faithful, and affectionate, and their displays of caring are intimate and subtle, yet tremendously profound. Only those who know how to look inside you with respect and dedication will understand your unbreakable love, but people who are unbalanced or who frequently raise their voices to scream will never be to the liking of cats.
window cats
In conclusion, we know that it is not necessary to resort to Buddhist texts to understand that cats are special,  that their eyes transport us to introspective universes, that with their strange postures invite us to practice yoga, which are an example of elegance and balance… We want the good of these animals and we even worship them and, even though they believe themselves to be authentic gods, remembering who knows their days in Ancient Egypt, we allow them to be proud.

We all have our own stories with these animals, unforgettable moments that allowed us to enjoy small moments full of magic and authenticity. Those who surely served as inspiration to create this charming Buddhist legend that was printed in ink, paper and mysticism. The same one we wanted to tell you today and share it with you in our space.

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