The Best Starts Come After The Worst Endings

The best starts come after the worst endings

We believe that all is lost when , at some moments in our lives, we find ourselves at a crossroads that makes it difficult to  know where to go, what to do or how to solve the chaos. That’s where we think there is no fate or solution, turning our strengths into hopelessness.

In these moments, some voices, some memories or some writings will tell us  “It is necessary to start from scratch”.  But is it really possible to start from scratch? Can life lead us into a maze that it is impossible to get out of?

Rationally, it’s almost impossible to start from scratch, since…  how can we leave ourselves behind?  Even if we were to completely change our way of being, this would be produced by a change in the previous history that marked our  “being in the world” .

From the rational logic, it is almost impossible to  “start from scratch” , but it is  possible to involve us in a new course,  in a new destination, in sailing our boat to other ports.

Living implies activating solutions, making decisions. The price of being able to breathe every day is having to choose when life tells us.  But now, the million-dollar question: When should we do this?

Simply when our balance is negative; that is, when we don’t realize our positive stability and the negative consequences settle in us, and everything that surrounds our living conditions.

And is it possible to achieve what we call  “happiness”  with this change of direction? The answer is quite clear: yes! Although the changes involve effort and sacrifice, at least in the beginning.

Choosing requires a fight against  adversity, against even what hurts and that is part of us, against the frustration of remembering things that comforted us or gave us stability…

However, by passing this tide, this emotional tsunami that involves making decisions and choosing our living conditions, it  is possible to recover this very personal concept that is “happiness” and, of course, come to feel it.

start from scratch

Starting from scratch also requires making decisions within the information we have, decisions that imply a risk, an discomfort.

Making these decisions that change our lives requires us to be conscious when it comes to valuing them, as they will quite possibly  generate important consequences around us, consequences that we will also have to face.

Starting from “zero” to get better starts

Starting from scratch does not imply forgetting, but learning ; learn from our past and our present, and be willing to generate a new future, since with each learning we expand our opportunity to choose, increase our baggage and generate life opportunities.

Who has never experienced a change of partner, a change of work or a change in values? This type of event should go along with an  “I need to start from scratch”.

You also need to understand that  starting from scratch doesn’t always mean breaking with the old; it may just be a change of perspective and tools so that we can face what we previously couldn’t.

Possibly, on many occasions, we hear the experiences of people who have survived an illness or a very serious accident and, as a result,  something awakened in them, giving them the necessary strength to change the course of their lives.

These people began to live more intelligently due to a traumatic event that, unfortunately, is what makes us shiver. And,  what do they change?  First, they start doing the things they’ve always dreamed of, sharing their time with the people they love, or taking trips that, if it were before, they would never have taken.

These people started from zero or maybe, and I repeat, maybe, they started to appreciate from another horizon the incredible journey of their existence, they started savoring every passing second and taking a deep breath until they feel that every moment of life is a gift.

Because each day of our life is a new beginning, a new opportunity to be who we want to be, to feel the air, the sun and the stars; but,  above all, it is a new opportunity to feel the direction that our hearts indicate to us. The best starts come after the worst endings.

Image credits: Balazs Kovacs Images and Studio 37

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