The Anguish Of Feeling A “cake In The Throat”

You feel pressure in your throat. Looks like there’s something stuck in it. You swallow with difficulty, and as you continue to do this – to check that everything is OK – your throat gets tighter and tighter. You try to calm down, but the feeling persists. In the end, your nervousness increases and you even cry. You are feeling a lump in your throat.

A lump in the throat, also known as a lump in the throat, as referred to in the article  Pseudoneurological Manifestations of Somatoform Disorders , is a symptom of anxiety. This causes the person who feels it to have the constant feeling that their throat is going to close up  and that they won’t be able to breathe. Even though it sounds real, it really won’t happen.

Why do we feel a “bun in the throat”?

A lump in the throat is one of the main symptoms that indicate there is an anxiety problem. The vast majority of people who suffer from it express this feeling of suffocation. However, we must keep in mind that this is still a feeling.

In no time you will suffocate. In fact, although you may have difficulty swallowing, if you try to drink a glass of water, you will have no problem doing so.

What happens is that  the cake “worses” if we believe in his lie, which is that we are going to stop breathing. In such cases, the feeling of suffocation may increase and the person may start acting desperately. This does not mean that if we are aware of what is happening, everything will quickly disappear. No, it doesn’t work that way.

Despite having felt this on more than one occasion, and knowing that nothing will go wrong, the lump in our throat will rob us of tears because of the desperation of feeling it for ten or fifteen minutes, with no signs of going away. If this is something that happens regularly, we would do well to  ask for professional help. There is something in our life that is causing us anxiety and we are not knowing how to resolve it.

Characteristics of the sensation of having a “bun in the throat”

While we may already have a better idea of ​​how the lump in the throat manifests itself and how the person suffering from anxiety feels it, there are certain characteristics that need to be mentioned:

  • It appears when we are calm : it does not appear in moments of greater tension or anxiety. Appears when everything is calm. This is due to the accumulation of what is not doing us good. The problem is that this prevents us from identifying the problem.
  • It makes us speak with difficulty : although it doesn’t choke us, the feeling of suffocation is produced by a concentrated tension in our throat. This tension often makes conversation difficult, as if we had a throat condition.

Consequences of Ignoring Anxiety Symptoms

If we ever feel a lump in our throat, we’ve probably ended up in the hospital. What they do there is a test in which they tell us that there is nothing blocking our throat. So, in many cases, they give us medicine and send us home. But none of this will solve our problem.

Ignoring anxiety symptoms can have serious consequences. One is that we won’t be able to see what’s really causing it. Anxiety is still a warning that screams “Stop! Something is not going well and you are not realizing it”. If we ignore it, it won’t disappear. On the contrary, it will try to warn us that there is a problem that we must solve in other ways.

The lump in the throat may be the first warning with which anxiety tries to make us aware of something happening to us. If we ignore it, there will be depersonalization, somatization of emotions, chest tightness or facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy), among other options.

The ideal is to turn to a professional to solve what is causing us anxiety. After all, it could show up at any time. It does not warn or give warning signs  so that we can prepare in advance. This happens to make us realize that what is happening to us requires immediate attention.

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