The Air Of Superiority: A Trait Of Insecure People

The air of superiority: a trait of insecure people

Certainly, we’ve all come across these people who appear to be very secure and make a fuss about it. With their heads held high, they seem to know everything and that others will never measure up to them. These people are recognized for their air of superiority. They think they are better than others and have on their side those who idolize them and who will be their victims.

Modesty is not a trait that characterizes these types of people. They are always proud and smug about everything they can to stand out from the rest. But… is this a mask to hide a tremendous complex?

The air of superiority and self-deception

Let’s think about people who bully others. These are not as strong as they seem, as they need to hurt others to spread fear and thus make themselves respected. But inside they are not as brave as they seem. They have serious problems that they mask and project against those around them.

This also happens to people with an air of superiority. Behind all this contempt for their own friends lies a much deeper problem that they try to hide. A situation they nurture wearing a mask of self-sufficiency, but one that will never be satisfied.

insecurity mask

Human beings have a great capacity to deny the problems that address them. Not only that, sometimes, even seeing the reality before your eyes, you have the great audacity to deny it. Sometimes it’s out of fear, sometimes out of shame. In the case of people with an air of superiority, the big problem is the insecurity that haunts them.

As it could not be otherwise, self-esteem here plays a fundamental role. Of course, in front of these people you can act in two ways: feeling superior or feeling inferior. People with an air of superiority block or mask their insecurity by showing themselves superior to others, humiliating them so that they can feel better about themselves.

I will always look at you over my shoulder

One of the factors that can lead a person to have an air of superiority can be the school harassment suffered during his student years. It is possible that in the next student stage, thinking about college, university, this young person will drastically change his way of being to protect himself against another possible attack by harassment.

For this reason, think that from the first day, in order not to be stepped on again, you need to step and demonstrate safety, showing yourself as someone you really are not. You will never recognize a mistake you made, it will fall on others. You can also be pedantic and haughty, with such a positive opinion of yourself that you will be the model for many around you.


To feed your airs of superiority, some people need to follow and obey you, otherwise your strategy will founder. For this, they will stand out with their great theatricality and make fun of their superiors so that others realize who is the true leader.

Unfortunately for them, sooner or later this situation ends, but when this happens their self-esteem is already very damaged. Ignoring a problem will only make it worse and cause that when we can no longer handle it, it will come out driven and with tremendous strength that is difficult to fight.

Wearing a mask will never be a good option. The solution lies in the search for a balanced self-esteem that allows you to feel secure and good about yourself. Showing yourself as a person who harms others won’t make you feel better, at least not in the long run. Inside, you will continue to feel this emptiness and this terrible insecurity.

So, every time you are with a person with an air of insecurity, be cautious. It’s not her fault that she acted like that because we don’t know what kind of horrible situations she had to go through. If you have the opportunity to reach out to her and help her, do so ; otherwise, walk away and let her go on her way until she solves her insecurity problem by herself.

mask woman

Now you know that anyone who exaggerates their virtues, be it their security, their strength, their courage, their intelligence, to stand above others, has a conflict with this. It’s a way to protect yourself, although in fact all you do is harm yourself.

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