Thanks To Those Who Remain By Our Side Despite Everything

Thanks to those who remain by our side despite everything.

Thanks to those who were on our side in good and bad situations,  to those who always made us smile, who know our lights and our shadows, and who remain despite everything.

A thank you because they are the ones who represent those values ​​that are so rare today, reflecting the point where interest breaks free from selfishness and becomes sincere and authentic.

They are the ones who forgive us the lack of punctuality in their lives, and who wait for us on the other side at the time of sacrifice, challenge, endless work and fatigue. Thanks to your confidence, we will be able to walk along paths that we still consider impossible.


The people who stay by our side, the people we care about

Fate brings many people into our lives, but only a few of them remain. It doesn’t have to be physically, it may be that we are thousands of miles away and that the purposes of life keep us away; however, there are people with whom we have a special bond that cannot be broken.

These are these unforgettable steel people, our “home” people. The ones we can always turn to, the ones that give us hugs that warm our souls and expand our bodies’ heat.

All of them deserve our recognition because, despite everything and everyone, they never abandoned us. As ungrateful as our company was, they always remained, genuinely striving for us to understand that we had a shoulder to cry on, or at least lean on.


There are many ways to say “you are not alone” and they know them all. With them, we understand that there are feelings that our smiles cannot hide and that an “I’m fine” is not enough to make them believe that everything goes smoothly.

There are relationships that have a psychological air

There are bonds that don’t drown, that don’t demand, that don’t intoxicate. They are the ones that allow us to breathe and that encourage us to commit to happiness. They make us feel vitally active and value what is authentic.

Let’s say there are connections that go beyond people, which reinforce our pillars and offer us pure oxygen. Thus, without words burning or reproaches resounding within our walls, from his hand we are able to understand the path of our emotions.

How lucky it is to have this kind of person on your side and how we are sometimes so unappreciative of them.  We often let time pass and moments together disappear.

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