Sensory Stimulation In People With Alzheimer’s

Sensory stimulation in people with Alzheimer’s disease allows the development of cognitive, emotional, motor and psychosocial functions. Furthermore, it facilitates learning through sensation and perception.
Sensory stimulation in people with Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that, unfortunately and as a consequence of an aging population, is increasingly present. A cure has not yet been found, but there are different interventions that can delay its progress or decrease the intensity of symptoms. An example would be sensory stimulation in people with Alzheimer’s.

This type of intervention focuses on the senses, on what reaches the person from the outside. Let’s think that a person with Alzheimer’s may have their cognitive ability deteriorated, including their ability to regulate emotions, but they won’t lose their most primitive ability: that of feeling. That’s exactly what we want to take advantage of when we perform a sensory simulation.

In this article, we’ll look at what sensory stimulation is in people with Alzheimer’s disease, how it’s performed, and what its possible benefits are.

Alzheimer’s Disease: A Brief Description

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects different body functions. In this way, it manifests itself on the physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels (executive functions).

One of the first indicators that trigger the alarm signal is memory loss, increased inattention or disorientation (in time or space). The person needs more precise and spaced instructions to follow a plan, initiative decreases and vocabulary range is also reduced, losing precision in communication.

In addition, Alzheimer’s disease makes it difficult to perform familiar and simple tasks of daily life that a person used to perform with minimal expenditure of resources. In addition, it has an emotional impact, because irritation and helplessness over lost ground can make a person very irascible.

man with Alzheimer's

There are different theories about its origin. Some point to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles, that is, an abnormal cluster of proteins that are made up of small fibers that are entwined in neurons in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Tau protein is also involved in this process: it is the main component of skeins.

What is sensory stimulation?

When we talk about sensory stimulation, we are referring to a set of techniques and exercises that provoke an activation of the senses through stimuli. So we talk about a kind of awakening of the senses.

The purpose of this intervention is to encourage the entry of sensory information into the nervous system. In this way, we will facilitate the development of a set of sensations and perceptions.

Through this stimulation, a person learns what will serve as a basis and reinforcement for weakened cognitive functions, understanding the world around them, and emotional expression.

Sensory stimulation in people with Alzheimer’s disease

Sensory stimulation in people with Alzheimer’s disease is a type of non-pharmacological intervention that helps during the disease process. It consists of awakening the patients’ sensations and perceptions.

To achieve the goal of sensory stimulation in people with Alzheimer’s disease, the following systems are stimulated:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Entrance exam
  • Tactile
  • Olfactory
  • gustatory

Multi-sensory rooms or Snoezelen

However, the intervention is carried out in multi-sensory rooms or Snoezelen. These rooms were created in the 70s, in Holland, thanks to Hulsegge and Ad Verheul. These spaces address three types of activities: relaxation, interactivity and discovery.

On the other hand, multisensory stimulation in Snoezelen rooms is based on the sensory integration model. This model was developed by Anne Jean Ayres, an American occupational therapist and neuroscientist.

In this context, cognitive, sensory, motor and psychosocial components are worked on,  stimulated in three rooms: white room, black room and adventure room. Also, depending on the activity, there are passive and active rooms.

  • Passive: activities in which the person enters an environment that stimulates them through sensory effects.
  • Active: consists of activities in which the individual participates and learns. Thus, he is encouraged to be aware of the effects of his performance on the environment.
  • White room: the white color is what prevails in these rooms. The goal is to provide a relaxed environment where the person is passively stimulated.
  • Black or dark room: these are rooms where mainly UV light and bright elements are used. Thus, people rely on powerful stimuli.
  • Immersion in adventure: in this room you don’t play with the lights as much as in the others. It has a material that favors sensory, cognitive and motor development. Materials with different textures, colors and smells are presented.

These activities are carried out by professionals from different areas of health : doctors, clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, nurses and occupational therapists, among others.

The idea is to intervene in people with Alzheimer’s disease at different stages, but it is more favorable to do it in the early and intermediate stages of the disease.

Woman with dementia undergoing treatment

Sensory stimulation: a valuable resource against Alzheimer’s disease

We’ve already explained what sensory stimulation is in people with Alzheimer’s. However, what are its benefits?

  • Opportunity for movement and activity.
  • Emotional expression.
  • It favors the perception of sensations.
  • Learning acquisition.
  • Promotes interaction with the environment.
  • Awareness of sensations and perceptions.
  • Make communication easier.
  • Provides a feeling of well-being.
  • Increases attention and concentration time.
  • Decreases apathy, aggression and disruptive behavior.

Certainly, this type of work must be carried out rigorously and requires self-organization, adaptation to the environment, creativity and motivated participation of those involved, according to Robayo and Rozo Reyes in their article for the Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatria.

Therefore, there are techniques that provide well-being for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Sensory stimulation is one of them. Through this intervention, people with this disease go through several stages to have a better quality of life.

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