Self-confidence Is Passionate

Self-confidence is passionate

Few attributes make a person as attractive as self-love. The one who is born by embracing life with eyes closed, understanding that it has thorns and a soft touch, which sometimes beats and sometimes caresses, and that in the midst of all this, we have something to say and enjoy. Having self-confidence means accepting mistakes and celebrating victories, bearing in mind that, even though we are small, we have the ability to transcend our circumstances.

Insecurity or lack of self-esteem, on the other hand, is born and survives thanks to our tendency to focus on the negative aspects. When a person is insecure, his focus of attention is directed to his faults, his mistakes, and to the negative consequences that any of his behaviors can have.

Self-confidence is largely responsible for our successes, whether in the professional area or in our personal life. How we are or how much we have is not as important as loving what we have. When we love each other unconditionally, we project this love outwards, and this makes the environment we are inserted in to also accept us, love us and admire us.

But that’s not true. Self-esteem is something that flourishes within a person, without giving much importance to the circumstances surrounding them.

The drawing power of self-confidence

Have you ever noticed that there are people who, without being very physically attractive, have something special that you like ? This thing can be called charm, charm, charisma or whatever you like, and it has to do with the confidence they have in themselves.


Everything a person thinks, says, or does, if done with complete security, can move mountains. On the other hand, everything we do without believing in ourselves too much will make others not take us seriously either, even if we do it right.

The safe person is who she wants to be, since letting go of the fears of failure or rejection is already getting rid of most of the barriers that kept her from leaving her comfort zone. This ability to take a certain risk rate with equanimity involves an aura of magnetism that enchants those around you.

We cannot forget the great influence of non-verbal language. Did you know that many of the choices we make about people in our lives are partially mediated by their facial expressions? The fact that we smile more or less has a great influence when it comes to attracting other people, as well as our body posture.

3 steps to gain self-confidence and be more attractive

The theory is correct, but… how do I gain this security that I lack? The good news is that  self-confidence is a skill, and as such, it can be trained.  Some strategies that can help are as follows:

watch your thoughts

Human beings produce about 50,000 thoughts a day, and more than 50% of them are negative in character. They are intended to serve as a “danger warning sign”, however, most of the time they are unfounded, unrealistic. Thus, it is necessary to know how to stop them in time and replace them with ideas that reflect reality.

Also, it is necessary that you make an effort to know yourself, both the positive and the negative. That way, when a negative thought about you pops into your mind, you can remind yourself that it’s not as serious as you’re saying it is, and that you also have many qualities that you can count on if the problem actually materializes. .

Don’t get carried away by your emotions

Emotions are physiological responses that are so powerful they can paralyze us. If we allow ourselves to be controlled by them as if we were puppets, we will not have the opportunity to prove to ourselves how much we are worth. The emotion, which in this case is fear, will grow like fire and win the match.

Change your body posture and your awareness

A study by Harvard University demonstrated how participants who maintained a body posture of triumph would later have lower levels of cortisol in their saliva than those who deliberately maintained a posture of defeat.

Cortisol is the fear hormone. This means that  we can trick our brain at will. If, as an actor, we force ourselves to take care of our non-verbal language, it will ultimately reverberate in our emotions and thoughts.

In this article we have seen why our self-confidence, when projected outwards, is passionate. In addition, we show 3 keys that can help to strengthen it. Now you just have to put them into practice!

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