Say Yes To Happiness At Any Age!

Say yes to happiness at any age!

When we are very young, haste is always causing us to take reckless actions. Time seems our enemy and we want everything for yesterday. The fear of not being able to do everything we want makes us hostage to impulsiveness. And then we can’t handle our actions. Conflicting feelings.

Head and mind constantly fight. And sometimes it seems like nothing has a solution. Lost.

And then you realize that you need to take action: mature or give up.

When life put me at the point of decision I decided. And I matured! To be honest with you readers, I am in the process of maturing. Spending life as a victim, even without realizing it, is cruel to you and to those who love you. Acting like scared teenagers who always run to a lap for support is tiring and sad. For you and for those who love you. Nobody likes to be with someone who is always sad and whining.

happiness simplicity

Joy attracts joy. sadness attracts sadness

When I discovered this, I started to attract to me things that I never imagined. Wonderful people. Love. Simple exercises helped me take these steps, and the first one was acceptance. I can’t change the world or people, but I can change myself. And I accepted that. It wasn’t simple, but it was liberating.

I have a very strong personality and accepting that not everything can be my way was a big step. However, discovering this made me see how life can be lighter. Then I started listening more than talking. Wow, how much I talked. There was no chance for the other to open up, express themselves, learn new things, learn… this also means respect. And respect begets respect. When we listen to people they feel loved and respected. And that’s gratifying.

And speaking of gratitude, here’s one more tip, the most important of all: be grateful! For everything! Observe it in this way: if one day you don’t have anything to eat, when you have food you will be immensely grateful and appreciate that food. Is not it?

When you have bad relationships and find out why they didn’t work, when you find someone worth spending your life with, you will value them, and you will certainly be more attentive. So be grateful for the ones that went wrong.

family happiness

When a person irritates you, look at the reason and think: why does he irritate me so much? It’s hard to understand but you’ll find that there’s a lot of you in this person and she’s giving you a chance to get better. Be grateful! Be grateful for your parents, your family, your friends. S eja grateful for your job or the job that is coming to you.

Yes, thanking attracts happiness

And since everything happens when we’re ready, if it hasn’t happened yet, it’s because we’re not ready yet.

As you take these steps, you will realize that time is your friend. You will no longer be afraid of turning 30, 40, 50 or more. You will breathe a sigh of relief to discover that you can be happy anytime, anywhere, simply because happiness lives within you. It comes from such a great gratitude for life, for nature, for people, that nothing and no one will be able to make you sad. Except yourself.

Meditate, do therapy, believe in the God that dwells within you. Give thanks for everything when waking up, getting up, eating, smiling. Read more. Give yourself a chance to meet new people. Find out how special you are. Embrace your parents. Value your family, your children. Realize that there is no age to start over, to learn, to be happy.
Be loving and do good. The world will smile on you.

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