Restless Leg Syndrome: A Very Common Neurological Disorder

Restless Leg Syndrome: A Very Common Neurological Disorder

Restless legs syndrome is currently one of the most common neurological disorders. It is characterized by a very uncomfortable tingling and itching in the legs and the need to move them in order to find relief. Furthermore, it is a condition that does not only affect night rest: its impact on the patient’s emotional state is also evident.

It may be that this disorder, also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, seems strange and innocent. How can a simple tingling in the extremities area be considered a “disease”? Furthermore, how can this kind of simple-looking symptomatology be diagnosed as a neurological disorder?

Anyone who suffers from it daily knows well that this reality, this condition, is far from innocent. There are patients for whom restless legs syndrome is tolerable; for others, on the other hand, it  implies not being able to sleep well at night, not being able to sit still when the afternoon comes,  and it also implies feeling increasingly irritable, being physically and mentally exhausted.

So she’s not just anything. We are facing a problem that affects more than 10% of the population. A chronic disease that has no cure, but different types of treatments.

restless legs

Restless legs syndrome: what are the symptoms?

Restless legs syndrome does not choose gender, culture or age. It is also common for it to appear in young children, although on average it usually appears for the first time between 40 and 45 years of age. The symptoms associated with this disease are as follows:

  • Uncomfortable tingling sensations in the extremities. It is most common on the legs, but it can also appear on the arms.
  • Many patients describe it as “electrical discharges”, others, in turn, comment that it is as if they have ants under the skin.
  • Annoyances appear in the afternoon and intensify at night, especially when the person is at rest, whether sitting or lying in bed.
  • In order to relieve this intense burning or tingling sensation, the patient usually moves or shakes his legs.
  • The symptomatology is very variable; there are tolerable times and others when one has the feeling that it is unbearable. The inability to sleep at night, added to nervousness and physical exhaustion, can lead to a state of high anxiety.

Importantly, once these symptoms appear, they do not disappear or weaken. On the contrary, they tend to intensify.

man with insomnia

What is the origin of restless legs syndrome?

As with most health problems and disorders, the source remains unclear. It is known that there are genetic antecedents and that the mechanism that triggers this symptomatology is in our nervous system. Thus, and so far, experts know that there are several associated factors:

  • The circuits that manage and control the dopamine mechanism in the areas of the basal ganglia do not work properly.
  • Iron deficiency anemia (iron deficit) is another associated factor.
  • Kidney failure and diabetes are two diseases that usually culminate in restless legs syndrome.
  • Medications such as antipsychotics, some antidepressants or antihistamines can cause this syndrome as a side effect.
  • Pregnant women can also suffer from restless legs syndrome in their third trimester.

What treatments are there for restless legs syndrome?

At this point, it is important to make a recommendation. If we start to feel a slight tickle or discomfort in our legs at night, we shouldn’t miss seeing a doctor. It may be that the origin is a problem with circulation or that we actually suffer from restless legs syndrome.

As we mentioned at the beginning, it’s not just anything. What starts out as something light and unimportant can affect our quality of life and our psychological health. The insomnia, exhaustion and mental nervousness that this disease ends up causing is very evident,  and this is something that should be treated as soon as possible through different strategies that specialists will prescribe.

  • The most used strategy in these cases is pharmaceutical: dopaminergics such as ropinirole and antiepileptics such as gabapentin are prescribed.
  • Taking care of our sleep habits is another very suitable recommendation.
  • Massages on the legs and baths with cold water and hot water tend to relieve a lot.
  • Also, there is a vibrating pad called “relaxis”, which is very effective for this disorder.

To conclude, we indicate once again that the only answer to this reality is to treat the symptomatology. There is no cure, so we should not stop looking for more new methods and therapies. Only then will we find the strategy that will work best and that will allow us to have a normal life and enjoy a quality night’s rest.

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