Pomodoro Technique, A Way To Manage Your Time

Pomodoro Technique, a way to manage your time

While there are many techniques and methods to optimize time and increase productivity, few are as easy to use as the Pomodoro Technique.  This technique was invented by Italian Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s and today there are many people who benefit from using it in their lives.

We often  start a project with great enthusiasm, but even before we finish it, we realize we’re headed for failure. In most cases, this is due to a lack of planning, that is, the lack of organization in the tasks we perform and the lack of time to carry them out.

This method serves to optimize time management;  for this reason, the main tool is to make use of a stopwatch. The work takes place in periods called “Pomodoros”. Each pomodoro is equivalent to 25 minutes of uninterrupted work and 5 minutes of rest.

the scientific basis

This technique has a scientific basis. Some studies confirm that the human brain can remain concentrated for a period that, on average, is 25 minutes. After that time the brain disconnects, becomes dispersed and its performance significantly decreases.


The purpose of this five-minute break is to give the brain a break by doing something different from what it had been doing before.  This way, when resuming the task, the performance will be much better. It is worth noting that after four Pomodoros in a row the break should be increased to twenty minutes.

It is important to carry out a basic plan of the work we want to do and draw up a list of the tasks we need to do. Afterwards, we classify each one by degree of importance and establish a logical order for execution. This can be applied to both daily activities and larger projects.

the optimization of time

People who use this method are able to observe how many Pomodoros they use in the development of each task. It may not seem like it, but this is very important. In this way, we will learn to manage time better and we will realize, for example, that a task that took five pomodoros can be performed in four pomodoros.

ballerina watch

This means that the optimization of time when using this method is not only worthwhile during the application of the technique. Over time, we acquired more agility to continue optimizing our time even more. In fact, the Pomodoro Technique presented such significant results that it motivated the creation of software for applications on different platforms and devices.

Initially it was a method to be used individually, but over time it proved to be effective in group work. This technique not only encourages satisfaction with achievement, but it is also a cheap technology that uses, in its simplest version, paper, pencil and a stopwatch.

To apply the Pomodoro Technique we must follow these steps

  • List the tasks to be performed and choose which one will be performed first
  • Set the stopwatch to keep time (25 minutes)
  • Work on the chosen task until the alarm goes off.
  • When the alarm sounds, mark an “x” in the task performed
  • Rest for 05 minutes
  • Start another 25-minute period, note another x, rest, and so on until the task is finished.
  • Every time you complete four pomodoros, rest for 20 minutes
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Tricks to improve our Pomodoro Technique

It is essential that during each pomodoro we have as much concentration as possible in relation to the work we are doing, that is,  we need to avoid any kind of distraction.

It is very useful to know how many Pomodoros we use to carry out a task.  This allows us to manage our time more efficiently and have more time for other activities.

Over time, and especially when it comes to performing similar tasks, we can set ourselves goals. For example, getting the job done in less time or improving its quality. That way, we will be more efficient and have more free time.


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