Only You Can Attract Abundance Into Your Life

Only you can attract abundance into your life

I looked like an insect trapped. Dryness, lack and emotional emptiness reigned in my heart. You fed me with leftovers, with possessive love, with an unfurnished house where the plants weren’t watered. However, I am grateful for its absence because I ran away from it to rediscover myself with my nutrients, with my strengths, with my fullness… to finally attract abundance into my life.

From an emotional and even spiritual perspective, we can define abundance as a state of grace that reminds us that we have everything, or at least most of the things we want and need. It’s like vibrating at that ideal frequency where emotions are in tune with thoughts, with personal fulfillment and with each area that shapes our existence.

“Abundance isn’t something physical, it’s something we can tune into.”
 – Wayne Dyer –

On the contrary, poverty or scarcity is a very common state of “being” where we become resistant, where we lack mental and emotional openness to be able to generate positive and enriching changes. Thus, “poor” people, in addition to not having this internal harmony to feel full and satisfied, generally have the subtle ability to project their emotional poverty onto the people they live with.

It is very likely that we have lived this situation throughout our lives: living with a person with these characteristics (be it our partner, a relative or even the manager of our company) creates a climate of lack and absolute scarcity. Almost without realizing it, we are trapped in amber, in this toxic resin, in this lack of nutrients to the point of leaving aside our main vitamin: dignity…


the nature of abundance

The lack dynamic prevents us from attracting abundance

If we ask ourselves what is the main path or key strategy to attracting abundance, the answer is very simple: emotional generosity. However, nothing is that complicated to implement, nothing has more nuances and dark corners than the concept of “generosity”.

What is the reason? We are used to thinking only about our needs and when we feel that “we lack something” it is very complicated to be able to “donate”. When we talk about emotional generosity, we are not referring exclusively to the act of opening up to others to connect with them, to comfort them, ease their pain or cheer their heart. We are also talking about being “generous” to ourselves.

Many of us have thought that way at some point in life: we focus attention on everything we don’t have, on everything we lack (I’m not recognized by others, I’m not loved as I deserve, I’m not valued in my work, I’m very alone/misunderstood…). As we intensify these negative thoughts, we also fuel frustration, discouragement, and resentment. In this way, we completely block the law of abundance.

Woman working to attract abundance in her life

The Law of Abundance in Couple Relationships

There are times in our affective relationships when we feel full. As William Blake used to say, we see the world in a grain of sand, the sky in a wild flower and infinity in the palm of our hand. This is, without a doubt, abundance, perfect balance, ideal harmony where your emotions and mine, your projects and mine, your values ​​and mine harmonize and make up the most beautiful poetry, ours.

We know that reaching this ideal state of abundance is not easy. Emotional imbalance and lack of generosity, both to ourselves and our partner, breaks the bond of abundance within a couple relationship. We often throw ourselves into someone else’s arms, with a hungry heart and a blindfold, wanting to be loved but completely forgetting to love ourselves.

We stop being generous with ourselves to feed the other until we fall into the circle of poverty, the cell of scarcity. We’ve come to believe that being fed on crumbs isn’t bad, it’s something… We settle for so little that we even forgot that we wanted it all. We forget, above all, that love is synonymous with abundance, that those who love it enrich and those who “love themselves, take care of themselves”.

couple living life in abundance

Remember that we have the responsibility and privilege to be the creators of our happiness, to attract abundance, and this is achieved from the inside out. Because this is an emotion that encourages us to take care of ourselves, to be deserving of joy, balance and that love that, instead of hurting us, helps us to grow.

All images in this article belong to Sonia Koch.

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