Once Fifty, Now Fifty: Long Live Middle Age!

Before fifty, now fifty: Long live middle age!

Until a few decades ago, 50-year-old women were seen as sweet grandmothers. At that age, it was assumed that they should already be preparing for their imminent retirement from professional life, and their affective life, whatever it was, was already a resolved and defined issue.

One of the most notorious cultural changes in recent years is precisely that of roles according to age. And this is already well reflected mainly in women. Before, for example, it was not uncommon for 18-year-old girls to be already married. Today, by contrast, most women of this age have no short-term marriage plans.

Just like with middle-aged women. 50 is no longer the age to “get out of circulation”. On the contrary, what is observed is that many women take advantage of this decade of their lives to take very productive balances and create the courage to live new experiences that had been left on paper, mainly due to lack of time.

It is known, for example, that the number of women in their 50s who get divorced is growing. The number of women at this age who start a company or a private business is also high. Of course, far from feeling that it’s all over, many women in this decade are pointing to a new beginning.

women in middle age

Midlife is a stage of great change, in every way. The biological clock indicates that the fertile cycle is over. The skin is not as tight as it used to be and you find that the fine lines stay there, even when you are expressionless. You can no longer have a pizza at midnight if you don’t want to wake up the next day.

woman living the best age

Physical changes bring with them stages of profound instability. Women at this age have to get used to living in a new body, and this is not always easy. They also need to accept that the standards by which they measure their beauty need to be different. Some never accept this and keep trying to relive in themselves the 20 year old girl they once were.

The 50s also represent an age of swings. You already have some experience and a very important maturity. At the same time, there is still a lot of vitality. Life makes little announcements that indicate the eclipse is near. So for many women it’s time to make important decisions that have been postponed before.

The point of view about love and the couple is now very different. They love more serenely. The fifty now feel more able to let go and go. That’s why your relationships are freer and healthier. There is more realism and expectations regarding love acquire more precise dimensions.

The professional role at a wonderful age

Some have children and have had to divide their time between a job and raising children. Many felt they had done both things by halves. Even so, at this age it is most common that the task of creation has already been completed. The children are now independent people, who do not need maternal guardianship to continue living.

woman living the best age

Most 50-year-old women are working, or fulfilling some professional role. With the end of creation, it usually happens that the eyes turn to the work that may have been a nuisance in other times, but which is now becoming a fundamental factor. It is common for her to discover new motivations or goals. Many at this age decide to go to university or enroll in courses on topics that interest them.

The 50’s are a great decade to face new professional challenges. Work experience can be considerable and many feel that the time has come to move on to the next step. Maybe they start their own business, or reorient their professional life. It’s a magnificent time to do this.

Some learn to live in another way, with greater quality. It is a ripe time for this. Others succumb to the useless nostalgia of the years gone by and will never come back. It’s possible that they get a little depressed. But all fifties certainly have the tools to put things in order and enjoy an age when everything can be better.

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