Love Me When I Least Deserve It, Because That’s When I Need It Most

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I need it most

Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I need it most. Love me and take care of me , because when I fail you, I fail me too. Because when I get angry for no reason, or look for a reason to, it’s because something inside of me isn’t right.

Love me when I make mistakes, love me always.  You can have your reasons not to love me, to stay away from me until the storm passes, to keep me in your memories and start living freely.

It could be that I caused you pain and that you still feel pain. It hurts me too, and I’m sorry . That part of me is also me; at least in the past it was, and continues to be now.

to deserve

When I need your support…

When we’re down, we just need others. We need to be supported, we need to be guided, we need to know that we are worthy of unconditional love. After the storm comes the calm.

And there are times when the whole world comes crashing down on us. But they say that no harm lasts a hundred years, and that whatever hurts us, an hour will pass.

I ask you to put yourself in my place and try to understand that when I make a mistake, it’s because I’m bad too. I need you to show me that the world is not a hostile place where attacks are made when you are weak, with the sole intention of bringing you down without you being able to get up.

to deserve

I can give you the best and worst of me

I’m that child who gets low grades, the girlfriend who gets angry, the husband who does everything wrong, the mother who doesn’t let her child out, the teacher who makes a mistake, the child who broke a vase, the dog who smashed one pillow, the employee who forgot to perform a task, the person who has been unfair to you…

Because in each of these situations, I need you to love me. Because I’m the same one who deserves your love when everything goes well, when everything is simple.

My mistakes and failures are typical of me, us, and our circumstances. They correspond to a percentage of misfortunes that make us value the joys. They are lessons that, over time, become experiences.

to deserve

I feel sad when I offer you my worst version. I collapse and feel guilty that I haven’t lived up to him. I want to be able to forgive myself, but I need you.

I understand the importance of what happened, I understand that sometimes we don’t see any option other than punishment, I understand the clouds of anger and I understand that our reason is lost. But your comfort, your acceptance and your understanding will help me to always be a little better. Love me when I don’t deserve it, it will be the time when I need your love the most.

Featured Image Shadesofeleven

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