Love Breaks Down Walls

love breaks down walls

Love is the most powerful feeling that human beings know. Far beyond the power of hierarchy or the ability to convince others through the action of the word, there is an emotion that can change people: love.

The highest walls that man has created around him, without thinking only of the physical walls, have been brought down by this powerful feeling. Love has enormous power, capable of making a deep and permanent change in us.

The walls of incomprehension

The highest wall that human beings have created is, without a doubt, that of incomprehension. By defending doctrines, traditions, customs, laws and beliefs, anyone is able to protect themselves behind a deafness fence.

There is no worse deaf person than one who does not want to hear, just as there is no worse blind person than one who does not want to see. So, no matter how wise and kind words you offer him, a person stuck in an old custom or belief will rarely give in to  reason, because in his head he denies the possibility of working with it.

That’s where love comes into the picture. Because a person who has built – around him – a high and impregnable wall, based on commonplaces and preconceived ideas, can find understanding, caring and flexibility in a feeling as sincere and noble as love. Love will be the strategy that will give flexibility to the walls of incomprehension.

love reveals your true being

It is curious how, sometimes, we are filled with reasons to describe ourselves. We look for ideas from here and there, usually created by other people we believe represent us, and we don’t care much beyond that.

woman who embraced love

We believe that by raising this or another idea, which sounds coherent and bombastic, we don’t need anything else. It is precisely in this that we protect ourselves, behind the wall of security that the beliefs, customs and thoughts of others that we internalize give us.

This is a dangerous exercise, because it takes us away from the paths of self-knowledge. Looking for the safety and comfort of someone else’s ideas, we only get a distant reflection of who we really are.

Then, when emotional earthquakes appear that shake the foundations of our own existence, we are rarely prepared to understand and absorb them. At this juncture, and with such a dismal outlook, we do not take advantage of the great opportunities that life offers us, as we are not able to face them due to our own inability to understand the heart.

love breaks down the walls of beliefs

Acquired beliefs move us away from ourselves, and bring us closer to what others want us to think. But that doesn’t make us free, nor happy, nor full.

However, when true love appears, and we feel that we are floating in the air with each step we take for the happiness that takes hold of the soul and heart, we feel that everything that we have learned and acquired previously loses its content and importance.

Suddenly, love appears like an earthquake that distorts your possessions, preconceived ideas and commonplaces. A feeling burns in your heart that cries out that the person who loves you and whom you love with all the strength of your soul is most important.

And that’s when you realize you must never go back to being who you were. Love changed you. Love broke down all the walls you built to protect yourself, believing you were safe behind them.

However, love does not need walls, protection or shields. Your own happiness that invades every pore of your skin will make you feel the fullest and most complete person in the universe, without the need to look for other people’s ideas.

Learn to receive love with open arms

However, if you are not ready to receive love, there will be moments of insecurity in which you may doubt and feel fear. In this case, it may happen that this wonderful feeling gradually fades away, causing you to return to your old habits of false security.

woman ready to receive love

Only a great self-knowledge  and a deep love for the person next to you, whom you must trust blindly, will allow you to get out of the holes and puddles that you might eventually fall into. Even if you find yourself in this situation almost unintentionally.

So don’t be afraid to open your heart to love. Let him break down the walls you’ve built over the years that undermine your ability to feel the true happiness and freedom that expressing your true emotions brings.

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