Like Spring It Blooms

Like it's spring, it blooms

She always expected a lot from everyone. He lived in his private universe in search of something he still didn’t know how to explain. Doesn’t fit very well into established patterns, likes to risk what’s new and different for every feeling.

There was a time when she loved and was exposed and given over to the traced loves. He got calloused from trying so hard. He wanted because he wanted love to be his partner in the dance of life. Stubbornness? Maybe so, because today she has changed sides and loves the freedom that is presented to her every day when the curtain opens and she has a whole world to explore.

How she likes these moments of surrender. Enjoy your complete aloneness as you look at the possibilities that life has given you. Your best version, your best time. She lives in the present and is made up of now, of screaming urgencies that cannot wait. She doesn’t postpone happiness and doesn’t even make a point of looking for it, because she lives happily where she is. There’s no time. Place. Situation. Your happiness is your existence and that’s it.

It took a lot of bitterness in her mouth to understand her inner support, she cried, she lived on demand, hers and others, but she went through everything she went through to better understand the depths of her soul, which today is clear, shallow and beautiful.

Today she learned to read feelings and curious dismissals

She is both book and reading at the same time. It’s not that her intention is to live alone, but she doesn’t want loneliness accompanied anymore, that’s all. He doesn’t preach anything, doesn’t fight for any cause, he even feels like it, but he prefers to go on with his life in peace, without arguing about anything. For her, her peace is worth more than revolutions that greatly affect her state of stillness.

In his perfect tune, he manages to see life beyond his eyes, he surrenders for the first, second, third, thousandth time. Even knowing that there, perhaps, is a shallow source, she enters, now no longer with her head, but with her whole body, in search of what makes her mouth smile and outline her face. He was already very afraid of life and of living, today he has replaced fear with peace, love and wherever he goes he raises that flag.

feeling blooms

It is intense to want deep, to look true, with a clear soul, to be just in the moment. She is delivery and prayer. Today she loves, but starts from herself to flow into other rivers, she no longer tries to bring what is outside inside, she lets it emerge from within and echoes to the world.

The loves that once existed, the jobs that didn’t work out, the truths that were never told, aren’t in your portfolio, they stayed there, in the imperfect past, which should but isn’t. And how she hates this verbal conjugation, which is usually accompanied by advice or regret, as if everything that is is not, because it would have been otherwise. And then it turns into a mess in your head, and not thinking about anything is the only fair solution at this point.

Her sweet gaze looks to the horizon, with a certainty very much her. He has eyes of perseverance and will at the same time, not a common will, but one that doesn’t wear out until he gets where he wants to go. Her moment to happen is now, that she no longer expects anyone to have a company for Saturday night or to go to the movies, now that she has seen that loves come and go, and if they go, it’s not because it’s over, but so that she can lingering in her history, she understood that each step taken in her trajectory formed this collective of lived women, which she now feels pulsating within, and then she brings her thought to what it has become.


Her gaze is far away, sitting in her chair, looking out the window. The warm night that extends, feels your heart beat differently, in a joyful way that brings comfort and seems to leave a different magic mixed with the peace that involves a smile, a song, a nostalgia, a glass of wine and so many thousand stories involve her in this process.

His emotional evolution began a thousand light years from that moment : it seems like so long ago that he doesn’t even feel that one day was so different from now. Then she closes her eyes and feels like she’s never felt her moment before. She feels happiness and sees it dancing in front of her, with eyes of love, longing, life. And as if it were spring, it blooms, with all the love of one lifetime!

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