Let’s Embrace The Moment When Life Happens!

Let's embrace the moment when life happens!

Let’s wake up from the illusion that permeates our lives and embrace the moment when it actually happens!  The truth is, the vast majority of us live our lives in our sleep. Or rather, walking through sleep states as life goes on. Many of us sleep because we are focused on the lower self, famous ego.

Others are the “angry”, they sleep because they are always reacting, complaining, victimized and dissatisfied. And some have had an insight and are waking up. The ego-focused and the “angry” carry many similarities, especially the fact that they are always in the victim role.

It’s as if everything in life revolves around you and, in most cases, in a negative way. They are always dissatisfied, always with a speech full of complaints. They don’t usually take responsibility for their choices and others are always the villains. The job, the boyfriend (a), the mother or father, or both… nothing or no one is in favor of your wishes, or they are to blame for you acting the way you do.

Expectations to fulfill the ego’s desires are deep and always projected onto the other, and perhaps that’s why frustrations are always significant.

live life unhurriedly

Maybe they even know they do it. Perhaps, at some point they are even feeling good, feeling full somehow, but by mental conditioning they repeat the behavior and choose to remain in that role.

Those who are waking up can have a broader perception of their own behaviors, thoughts and attitudes towards situations. They perceive their fears, their repetitions, their escape valves and are not satisfied with the emptiness of a life based on the lower self. They know they are solely responsible for the direction their lives are taking. They are on the lookout for signs of the true self, they are looking for the higher purpose.

In this state of waking up, the person begins to relinquish control. Of trying to control everything. Of planning every last detail of life. She is free to choose and to welcome whatever comes. In complete opposite to letting things go, a classic example among women from the ego’s point of view is still:

‘I’m 23 years old. At 25 I have to meet my future husband. Essential at 27 to get engaged to then have 1 year to plan the wedding. At 29 marry. At 32, two children, house, dog, car of the year.”

Yes. We live in modern times. But still, countless young women still see marriage as a purpose in life. The difference is that today this purpose is associated with a successful career.

Many women live in favor of finding someone who will fulfill the ideal. And in this fate and saga of the ego, sometimes, even though the heart is screaming: PACK YOUR LUGGAGE AND GO TRIP, she is so attached to the “planning of love” that she has conditioned herself and chooses to suppress the true self and give in to the lower self.

From another perspective, the number of women extremely hurt and frustrated with the failure of the “plan” is large. And with clinging to this illusion of purpose, symptoms, negative cycles, and bitterness are generated.

So: How to be open for love to arrive? How to trust and respect? How can this relationship be healthy? 

For those who are waking up, listening to the intuition, the heart, is no longer an option. The heart speaks so loudly that they can’t pretend they haven’t heard. It is a fact for these people that control of everything is an illusion. And that the attempt could be frustrating. And that’s where they realize that by not controlling, peace enters. That not forcing, the other comes. And life becomes light and full of surprises.

We cannot control how we feel about something or someone. If we feel, we feel.
We cannot control how the other feels or acts.
We don’t control the time. The sea. The rain. The wind.
What we have is not the power of control. It’s the power of choice.

Regardless of the sleep state you are in, we are alive and we are ALL presented with the opportunity to wake up, to seek our development and self-realization. Being alive is already the present. And being able to accept this gift in the most honest way will be our greatest reward. That’s our main choice.

The big difference between sleep states is awareness. It’s self-knowledge. It’s getting out of the comfort zone and entering a zone of learning about yourself. It’s identifying why you act like this or that. It’s watching your thoughts and not judging. It’s being able to be honest with yourself and being honest with others about who you are.

So start with this question: Who in you wants the husband, the two children, the house and car of the year? Or, who in you needs to be a manager by age 27? Or, who in you just wants to postpone plans for tomorrow?

And when I reach these megalomaniac projects of the future, will I feel fuller or happier? Will be? Where do these desires come from?

Regardless of what your sleep state is, challenge yourself to understand: why do I want/have to have it all? Why can’t I plan to do what I want? Why do I prefer to live sleeping?

In the world we live in, you are your problem as well as your solution.

Eckhart Tolle in “The Power of Now” quotes: “When setting out on a journey it is of course helpful to know where we are going, or at least the general direction we are heading. However, let us not forget that the only real thing about our journey is the step we are taking right now. That’s all there is.”

full life

No wonder the synonym of now is present. 

Ask ten people close to you what that person did last week. At least seven out of ten will have a hard time answering. Because the truth is, we spend our lives anxious about what we’re going to do tomorrow or brooding over the wounds of the past.

Our minds scream the rules of stress, depression and anxiety and our hearts are afraid to enter into this clash.

But the way out is in connecting the mind and heart. If you know how to use your mind in your favor and be aware of every detail, there will no longer be the perception that life is too short. You will literally be in body and soul, and every moment will be valid.

As Charles Chaplin couldn’t have said it better:


When I truly loved myself, I understood that under any circumstance, I was in the right place, at the right time, at the right time. And then I could relax. Today I know it has a name… SELF-ESTEEM.

When I really loved myself, I could see that my anguish, my emotional suffering, is just a sign that I’m going against my truths. Today I know this is…AUTHENTICITY.

When I truly loved myself, I stopped wishing my life were different and started to see that everything that happens contributes to my growth. Today I call this… MATURING.

When I really loved myself, I began to realize how offensive it is to try to force some situation or someone just to do what I want, even though I know it’s not the time or the person isn’t prepared, including myself. Today I know the name of this is… RESPECT.

When I really loved myself I started getting rid of everything that wasn’t healthy… People, tasks, anything and everything that put me down. At first, my reason called this attitude of selfishness. Today I know it’s called… SELF LOVE.

When I really loved myself, I stopped fearing my free time and gave up on making big plans, I abandoned megalomaniac projects for the future. Today I do what I think is right, what I like, when I want and at my own pace. Today I know this is… SIMPLICITY.

When I really loved myself, I gave up on always wanting to be right and, with that, I made fewer mistakes. Today I discovered… HUMILITY.

When I really loved myself, I gave up on reliving the past and worrying about the future. Now, I keep myself in the present, which is where life happens. Today I live one day at a time. This is… FULLNESS.

When I truly loved myself, I realized that my mind can torment me and let me down. But when I put her at the service of my heart, she becomes a great and valuable ally.

All this is… KNOWING HOW TO LIVE!!!”

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