Learn To Live Better By Breaking Your Own Rules

Learn to live better by breaking your own rules

Human beings are adept at habits. We like to have habits because they are patterns of behavior that are easy to recognize. Simple is nice. However, not all our everyday attitudes are worth repeating. Harmful habits are also easy to re-practice, causing our quality of life to decline.

Action or Reaction?

It is obvious that there is a very big difference between being passive and being proactive. Passive people tend to react to everything that happens to them in life.   But if our intention is to have a different attitude, we shouldn’t allow everything around us to affect us, for as human beings we ourselves make a difference in this world when we change things and circumstances or, better yet, when we started to create a reality that didn’t exist before.

Proactive people are characterized by acting and making decisions constantly. Instead of saying to themselves: “This happened to me and I have to accept it” , they think: “I’m here, but if I want to, I can decide to be somewhere else” . The differences between a proactive and a passive person can be summed up in one word: action.

Obstacles to achieving success

Most likely, the only thing that separates us from success is the ability we have to decide what we want to do with our life and, in general, the biggest limitations we have are our own fears. Therefore, it is important to reflect if the obstacles we find on the way are not exactly those that we ourselves have placed.

There is a fundamental principle that will help us change perspective: we need to realize that we have enormous freedom. Freedom to decide, freedom to act, freedom to be.

the fear of failing

Failure is very common in life; however, they often teach us the importance of getting it right, not failing. Did you know that great achievements of humanity were achieved thanks to a huge number of failures that gave fruit to success? Did you know that people like Michael Jordan or Bill Gates knew failure long before they were successful?

The important thing is to overcome failure and keep trying. When our goal is more important than all the failures we accumulate, we will be able to overcome this common fear.

Focus on what truly matters

We need to learn to focus on solutions, not problems. Like bad habits, activities that bring something beneficial to our lives can be incorporated if we do them consistently. For example, if you know you need to do a physical activity, but you can’t go to the gym, keep insisting until it stops being a bother and becomes something habitual, necessary and even pleasurable, so that you feel good on the day. to day.

If you are afraid of travelling, maybe you can start by taking short walks in your city. A good idea is to plan weekends in nearby cities; and even more stimulating, make a list of all the places you would like to visit. Traveling is a habit that can bring us great satisfaction. It’s just a matter of taking action and starting to do it.

If your job doesn’t appeal to you, think of something you’d like to do. Is it hard to imagine something like that? In the same way that Chris Gardner, who lived in a train station bathroom, became a multimillionaire, you can get a job that gives you better rewards if you work hard to reach it.

the importance of now

Our culture influences us to think more about the future than about our present. Somehow we are constantly thinking that the best of our lives is yet to come. This false perception of time leads us to reduce the value of the present moment. If we change this idea in our daily lives, our quality of life can improve remarkably. The ideal time to start something is the day we are living in today.

carpe diem

Image courtesy of Cardens Design

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