It Seems To Be Fashionable Not To Say What We Feel

It seems to be fashionable not to say what we feel

It seems that nowadays we play not to show what we like, not to venture out for fear of rejection, to wait for the other to tell us what he feels and then we can say what we feel too. It seems that we play without caring who we have by our side, we live on tiptoe, afraid to go deeper. It seems to be fashionable not to say what you feel.

We are afraid to show our souls, to undress ourselves so that they can see who we really are. We are terrified of showing our fears, of falling and having to let someone lift us. We are so afraid of breaking through the surface of everything around us that we prefer to shut up and listen from behind armor.

It seems to be fashionable not to say “I love you”. How many times have you said that today? How many people do you really love? Surely you love more people than you say “I love you” to. Not saying what we feel doesn’t protect us from anything, it just shuts our mouths, but it doesn’t diminish our feelings.

Not saying how you feel is not good fashion, because it takes us away from those we love and keeps us from showing them that we appreciate them. Saying what we feel should never go out of style.

The fear of saying what we feel

The fear of expressing ourselves, of releasing our deepest feelings, is a defense mechanism. A way of protecting ourselves against disappointment and the feeling of abandonment and, ultimately, of not feeling vulnerable. It’s normal that it’s hard to say “I love you” when we start a relationship, we’re happy for it and we’d like it to last forever. As well as giving thanks for the love our loved ones give us. Also, sometimes we don’t because we believe they already know it, but what’s wrong with saying what we feel?

man in nature

What we don’t say gets stuck inside us, forming a knot that sometimes hurts. What we don’t say haunts us and carries us away, because it makes us prisoners of ourselves, as it distances us from the people we love and disconnects us from our emotions.

Even if this fad passes, that relationships where the demonstrations of love we want to give disappear and those where one thinks the other knows everything without us needing to appear,  we must venture out and try to say and demonstrate love, demonstrate our interior and strip our soul. It’s worth taking off our armor, opening ourselves up without defenses to show others what’s inside of us.

it may be late tomorrow

What do we wait to tell the other that we love them? What’s left to launch and see what happens? A rejection is always better than an eternal doubt about what could have happened. Showing what we feel does not make us worse, weak or ignorant, quite the contrary. Saying what we feel makes us free, authentic and sincere because we show ourselves the way we are, we let them see our essence.

Let’s not wait for tomorrow, let’s not let time pass. Let’s not make it easy for someone else to get ahead. Let us express what our heart feels and let us show everything that is within it. The fashion of not saying what you feel ends when we choose not to follow it! We mustn’t forget that!

Couple in love

Saying what we feel and feeling what we say: the connection is bidirectional, that is, it is not cut in any of the parts. Let’s try to show what we feel to free ourselves. Let’s let go of what burns, invades us and wants to get out, out. Let’s try to say what we feel and we’ll see how calm takes hold of us when we manage to overcome fear. When we manage to be ourselves…

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