It Is Not Necessary To Hurt To Teach, Nor To Be Hurt To Learn

It is not necessary to hurt to teach, nor to be hurt to learn

Within our development, many types of people surround us, while circumstances and particularities influence and condition our emotional development. So there are inevitably painful situations and people for which hurting others is very simple, and moments of great happiness and people who bring joy to others.

In a way, all of this – the good and the bad – cannot be avoided and will always exist, since no one is perfect. We all make mistakes, and sometimes we hurt others without realizing it. The problem appears, however, when it becomes a habit or comes to believe that to learn one must suffer, when the truth is that it is not necessary to hurt to teach nor to be hurt to learn.

Pain and its positive side

Just a few days ago we commented – and we’ll come back to that at the end of this article – that learning is always a gift, even if the teacher was the pain. This suffering, at least, was not in vain, since any fruit that is harvested that will serve us for future experiences will be something positive. Even so, none of us want to be harmed so that we can learn a lesson from the suffering and sad days.

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