If You Can Dream, You Can Realize

If you can dream, you can make it come true

A man, together with a friend, dreamed one day, in a garage, to create a computer that could not be opened, that did not have a USB connection, that was incompatible with almost anything and that anyone in the world wanted it even at a high price. and even without needing it. That man was Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, one of the most important companies in existence today. This shows us that effectively if you can dream, you can make it.

Many ideas, many dreams, when they arise seem crazy at first, but they really aren’t. They are innovative ideas that are ahead of their time, that break with everything and assume a different way of looking at things. To make these dreams come true, it is necessary to be very committed in the face of all the obstacles that eventually arise, with the will to always move forward.

Dreaming is just a first step to realizing

A dream is an image that we perceive as real in our minds while we sleep, but sometimes this image is so vivid that it feels like we are actually living the dream situation. Even, on some occasions, we can feel pain, taste, feel touches within our dream.

Many writers and painters created their works from the world of dreams, because from time to time, in dreams, the unconscious manifests itself and allows us a release from the real world, taking a step into a different and unimaginable world.

Dreaming of something that we are passionate about, of a reality that we desire, is just the first step in creating an image in our minds. A sketch that little by little will gain clarity and will be the seed that will grow, fed by our imagination. Dreaming is just the beginning.

listen to your intuition

Intuition can be defined as the ability to understand or decide quickly, in an instant. So fast that the cognitive process usually escapes our awareness and we cannot logically explain what led us to the decision.

In just one day we make thousands of decisions : what clothes we will put on, which way we will get to work, which means of transport we will use… All these decisions are taken very quickly, because otherwise, our daily lives would be indecisive. constant with which we would waste a lot of time.

Until ten years ago, social psychology advocated that a good decision made at a complicated existential crossroads should be based on a rational process that started with an exhaustive analysis of the situation. Yes, we are referring to two lists that everyone has done once in their lifetime: points in favor and points against every possible decision.

Right away, however, we realize two aspects:

  • The reality, most of the time, is so complex that it is impossible to put it in the form of lists.
  • Although we can do the exercise perfectly, not all the elements on the list have the same weight.

At the same time, we studied people successfully and realized that they went beyond the famous lists. Successful people’s decisions were characterized by being quick and accurate, more linked to intuition. “That’s what I felt at the time”, “I followed my heart”, “I did it without thinking”, etc. From then on, psychologists began to ask themselves whether the rational horse who always had the stakes was really the winner of the race.

Thus, currently we not only know that intuition is valid, but also that it often surpasses the success that a computer can have,  capable of performing millions of operations at a time, or even our success following a conscious logical process to reach a conclusion .

Intuition manifests itself with physical emotions and sensations. If we want to make a decision, it is advisable to focus on what we are feeling, on the physical impact that one decision or another has on us. You feel good? Feel any discomfort? Are you happy? What does each decision make you feel when you think about it? What does dreaming or thinking make you feel?

The way to fulfill your dreams

The path to your dreams can be complicated, but it is a path that must be traced only by you, starting from small goals that you can reach to finally reach the dream you so desired. Setting small initial goals that are possible is what will strengthen our confidence and what will make us see that we can move forward if we take one step at a time after dreaming.


An important aspect of achieving dreams is the confidence we have in ourselves. If we don’t believe we’re going to succeed, no one will. That’s why it’s important to set feasible and close goals in a matter of time, because every time we reach a goal, we reinforce the idea that our dream can be turned into reality.

Pro-activity is also essential because we cannot allow ourselves to stand still in the face of the slightest difficulty, or to wait for things to happen and walk away without doing anything. Nothing comes effortlessly, no one will come to pick us up and offer our dream. It’s something that we have to build with a lot of effort, with daily work and with all the strength of our imagination.

But remember:  dreaming is just the first step in starting to shape your goal or objective.

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