If Those Who Know You Really Love You… Why Are You Afraid?

If those who really know you love you... why are you afraid?

We are going to propose you an experiment for which it would be good for you to represent your results in percentages. Sometimes too many contradictions accumulate in your head to see everything clearly, but this will help you locate “data” and understand what happens to the fear of social contact we all feel at one time.

Review the people who have been through your life. The ones that have actually done you some harm, the ones that have simply been hard to bear, the ones that have caused you indifference or fear, the ones that have done you good and the ones that have caused you euphoria and wholeness.

If in the last two cases the percentage is significant, think about whether this feeling has been reciprocated. They are the ones who love and respect you, as well as you them. There are many other people waiting for someone like you to come into their lives, and they are a good reason why the “bad guys” don’t quell your desire to meet other people.

The sad thing is that often enough a few scams are enough to turn us into that kind of people who live on half, with the feeling that we have a lot to hide because some once opined that we had nothing interesting to show. However, where these few people saw nothing, others saw in you the most wonderful thing that could happen to them at any given time. Isn’t it time to shift the focus of attention and use an unadulterated scale to create fear?

Think about whether you are part of the group of people who are called in at dawn to help, to whom others tell their most intimate secrets, who are sought out to celebrate great achievements. Think if they keep asking you how life is after many years…

If they would like to see you again, although to do so they have to change their schedule and get home late. If you have a group of people who made you answer yes, you’re already lucky. Now think: if you are able to arouse such feelings in others, why are you sometimes so afraid of social contact? Why are you still afraid to open up?

“Until we realize that we mean something to others and feel that there is a purpose or purpose to our existence.”
-Stefan Zweig-

couple of pirates sitting in tree

Those who accumulate damage and concentrate on them will hardly focus their attention on the group we are talking about. If this is your case (or someone you know), I propose a change of perspective. I ask that, in this judgment you started, you also listen to those who love and respect you. Also, think about what would have happened if many of the wonderful people you have known had also chosen to protect themselves to avoid harm: you would hardly have enjoyed their company.

Because it’s a pleasure that I care about the people I’m important to. Because it ‘s delicious to share company with those who contribute with me. These feelings strengthen my interior, cancel the need for a wall that cuts off all communication with others.

No one has more influence in our lives than those we want to be by our side when we are happy, sick, melancholy, overwhelmed, or eager to take a trip. This is making life together, not just discussing the meaning of our existence. This is to walk in a secret and open way, learning that there are people who pass by and others who light our way, who carry us in their arms, having the sensation of flying.

Direct your attention to the correct group. This is not a sum of points, it is about multiplying the good experiences. Something that cannot be done by trying to make all of our experiences and people fall into the comfort zone or by focusing our attention on people who have failed us when they had our trust.

Your best cards were given to you by the people who motivated (and motivate you) to continue the game, and never by those who deceived you. Direct your attention to what matters and contributes to you. You have your rules and others will be different, but don’t let your influence distort your judgment. Don’t delete the testimonies of the people you love. Life is a source of danger, but it is also something in which our fate is doomed. Ours and the ones we love.

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