I Like People Who Offer Light Even If The Day Is Cloudy

I like people who offer light even if the day is cloudy

Albert Einstein said that, in fact, darkness does not exist. He commented that darkness is nothing more than the absence of light, and this is what happens sometimes in many of the people around us.

It’s hard to know why, but we all have friends or family members who, when faced with any complicated situation, only bring more negativity. They are unable to come up with strategies, solutions and, much less, support.

We all also know that these people are not many in our daily lives. Friends and family like that do not fill the fingers of one hand, and that is why it is necessary to protect yourself in a way from those others who only know how to paint our days with gray and our hopes with uncertainty.

We invite you to reflect on this, even suggesting that if you are one of those people with a light of your own, never fail to shine.

People with their own lights, lighthouses for our daily lives

What is the true meaning of a person with their own light? Would we be falling into a spiritual rather than a psychological way? It’s not that complicated to define them and even less to recognize them.

There are many easily identifiable psychological traits in this type of profile, and we’re not talking about magic. They are common people who wear everyday smiles, who have the right word for the needy moment.

Couple: people who offer light

They are not people who practice this arbitrary positivism by giving everyone a “don’t worry, everything will be fine”, not at all.

They know how to establish intimacy because they have great empathy and inner balance. They are positive, but it is a practical positivism based on strategy and balance.

They know when they are needed and they also know how to make space. They don’t demand, don’t ask for anything in return. When we are close to them we can be ourselves. No pressure, no need to disguise, much less justify yourself.

They are people who offer light because they comfort, even though they don’t solve our problems, which is not what we asked of them either. We just need them to “be there”, without judging, without criticizing, without belittling.

If you are the one who offers light to others, never fail to shine

It is very likely that you are a creature of light. You enlighten others each day by wishing for the best, and you do it selflessly because that’s how you feel good. Because that’s how you understand life and because you wouldn’t know how to do it any other way.

You need to remember that if the way you are and how you feel about life is to support those around you, and if you live life from that most simple and humble point of view, you will always be shining with your own light.

However, sometimes you can also get burned out.

people who offer light

– It’s easy to see the light in the storm, but sometimes those next to us can laugh about it. They can call you naive, they can make fun of your nobility by labeling you as slack, as the typical person that others take advantage of.

– Remember once again what we said at the beginning, using Einstein’s phrase as a reference. Darkness doesn’t exist, it’s actually lack of light. That is, we could say that there is no authentic evil in people who make the mistake of attacking their way of being.

– Instead of evil, or darkness, there is a lack of emotional intelligence, understanding, empathy and personal strategies.

– If you shine with your own light, don’t let others turn it off. Also, don’t spend all your energy on those who don’t deserve it.

Images courtesy of Sonia Koch, Pascal Campion.

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