I Can Forget What You Did To Me, Not What You Made Me Feel

I can forget what you did to me, not what you made me feel

They say that only those things that make us vibrate and that give us a shiver or a whirlwind of feeling are the ones we’ll remember forever. You marked me, you were something like a storm, that stirred me inside and managed to find me, was that person who knew that brought with him the happiest moments that no one had given me until now.

Probably, now that time has passed, I start to forget. To forget who you were, how I was with you and how it felt to be together. In fact,  the most logical thing is that you end up being an extra experience of life and a learning path  .

However, there will be something that will stay here and that I will always take with me: the heat when it was cold, the cold when I needed warmth, and your every touch on my heart.  


Mistakes spread, chills identify us

Thinking about ourselves is thinking about time and spaces: What were we? What are we? What will we be? And it seems that, in response, the only thing we have is memory. Memory is, above all, a form of forgetting.

We are what we remember and we remember what shook every part of the body,  even those that cannot be seen. The rest of the events that happened to us or that happen to us are lost and confused in our mind in such a way that, sometimes, there comes a moment when we don’t know what really happened: we only have the memory of what we felt at that moment.

There comes a day when the mistakes  we once made or someone else made with us disappear. We are left with only the shiver, the scar of what, a while ago, made us what we are now: this pile of broken mirrors that form and identify us, and also those small doses of happiness that made us believe that we were alive with truth.

You’re just an emotion from the past

From what I have already said, it  is evident that we cannot definitively let go of the past.  This is why people like you, who were once my gift and are no longer, continue in my life in the form of memories: those that are no longer real or tangible, but which are in the form of emotion.

Our  emotions were  worth it and they are worth it for me and for yourself who are reading this.  If you were able to turn your stomach, you will not be able to forget the feeling you had at that moment: you, that person, are no longer what you were, you are just that essence that touched us from within.

It may be that they hurt you, it is true, as well as they hurt me; but  everything that hurts has usually been petted before.  And the pain and tears pass, but the caress continues, it will always be with you.

woman roses

I give thanks for the pain you caused me

Sometimes the heart cries so much that it seems that it will never forget the suffocation it is in. However, it is wiser than we think if we let ourselves be:  the heart is capable of eliminating bad memories and overcoming them,  embracing the good and enduring the past.

When I say that the heart is capable of eliminating, it does not mean that the memories are not still here; it’s just that when the pain stops hurting, we know we’ve accepted it and learned to live with it.

In this way, there  will come a time when we will give  thanks for having fallen,  as that is the only way we will learn to get up and will value more being standing.

It’s no use facing an event by reliving the situations in your head over and over again:  the only way to look at the  future  is to go beyond the sum of events, reach the emotions and get to know ourselves from all the perspectives that life makes us face.

Image credits: Davide Ortu, Karina Chavin, GustavoAimar

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