How To Shine Without Dim Your Light?

How to shine without dimming your light?

Life is a journey of almost infinite possibilities for how to shine. It alternates between easy paths where tranquility reigns and paths full of obstacles and surprises that put us to the test.

Most of our goals, especially when they are ambitious, are surrounded by obstacles (small or big). On the other hand, on many occasions the path is not just about overcoming difficulties, but about intelligence.

Sometimes we are the ones who put stones in the way. We do this when we directly attack our self-esteem or when we systematically put the needs of others ahead of our own. That’s when our light fails and we stop shining.

The key to shine is within you

To give our best, it’s important to take ourselves into account. It’s about going like a diver exploring the bottom of the sea, while seeing all the wonders and adversities that surround you. So reaching deeper levels will give you more information about yourself.

So, one of the keys to shine is self-knowledge. For this, you can focus on what you think, feel and act, reflecting on these aspects. In this way, you will be able to see what your strengths and weaknesses are, and use that information to your benefit in dealing with problems.

self-confident woman

How to shine by giving yourself the importance you deserve

Sometimes we become so fixated on others that we forget about ourselves. We are convinced that the other is the one who should be fine and, therefore, we give more than we could allow. This happens when we value ourselves less than we deserve. So we let them dim our light.

Although, many times, others make us feel bad, it is also our responsibility to set limits, warnings, so that this doesn’t happen. An indirect consequence of setting these limits is that our value, to ourselves and others, often increases.

To learn how to shine, say no to self-sabotage

Sometimes we are the ones who sabotage ourselves. It is self-sabotage, that is, when we ruin our own plans. Below are some ways to combat self-sabotage to keep you from being kept from shining:

  • Fall and get up. After most failed attempts, we still have resources to keep trying.
  • Trust us. It means giving us the opportunity to make it, with a lot of self-confidence.
  • Set priorities. Set goals based on their importance, when we want to reach them and the number of steps we have to take to reach them.
woman afraid to shine

Not sabotaging ourselves is an art, but once we learn to stop doing it, it’s easier to shine. Thus, we will have the best opportunity to develop our capabilities.

When we learn to shine, we can take advantage of what’s best for us.  We’ll show you some benefits of achieving this:

  • It increases our self-esteem.
  • Greater self-assurance.
  • Easier to comply with what we propose.
  • Resolve conflicts assertively.
  • Improve our skills.
  • Greater self-control.
  • Ease of setting limits.
  • Learn from mistakes.
  • Greater self-knowledge.
  • Increases motivation.
  • It increases confidence in ourselves.
  • Greater quality of life.
  • Better relationships.

Shine is a personal purpose, a way to overshadow or highlight our achievements. Achieving this depends on our will, but also on how we manage mistakes and position ourselves in the face of difficulties.

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