How To Combat Emotional Fatigue?

How to fight emotional fatigue?

Many of us feel that the day is not long enough for everything we need to do. Performing tasks takes a lot of time, and it seems that the weeks go by and we drag the obligations and pending tasks. However, the key to warding off this feeling may lie not in having more time, but in fighting emotional fatigue.

Due to the hectic pace of the modern world, many of us walk around with a permanent sense of exhaustion. Stress, worry and multitasking make us not rest our mind for a second.

Therefore, fighting emotional fatigue can be a fantastic way to make your daily life more productive. In this article, we’ll look at several techniques for achieving this; however, we must first understand what exactly this point of view consists of.

What is emotional fatigue?

Physical exhaustion is not the only type of tiredness that exists. Even though our bodies are rested, it’s possible that our minds can’t take it anymore. However, on some occasions it is very difficult to recognize this situation. So if you want to fight emotional fatigue, you must first learn to identify it. Below, we’ll look at some of the most common symptoms:

  • Inattention and memory loss. Emotional fatigue can make us unable to pay attention to our surroundings. So it will be much harder to create new memories and focus on a task.
  • Hypersensitivity. When our emotions are at their limit, it is much more common for us to have extreme emotional reactions. In this way, people with emotional fatigue will feel sad, angry or depressed much more easily.
  • Low motivation. Feeling tired is often associated with negative thoughts and lack of enthusiasm for what we are doing. Therefore, fighting emotional fatigue implies adopting a more optimistic point of view.
  • Physical tiredness. Lastly, extreme emotional exhaustion can also lead to a feeling of chronic fatigue. People with this symptom can sleep for ten hours and get up still tired. No matter how much they rest, their energies will never be fully charged.
Woman suffering from emotional fatigue

If you have most of these symptoms, chances are you are suffering from some form of emotional fatigue. However, why does he show up? What drives us to reach such a problematic state?

Why does this problem appear?

According to the latest research, emotional fatigue is due to excessive and constant worry. In this sense, it would be closely related to the burnout syndrome. Both would be specialized forms of stress, present when we shift from one worry to another.

Thus, it is common for emotional fatigue to appear when we become obsessed with our goals, and we punish ourselves severely when we detect mistakes. In this sense, it is completely counterproductive. When we torture ourselves in this way, we agonize and take longer and longer to achieve what we set out to do.

Advice to Combat Emotional Tiredness

If you recognize the symptoms of this problem, then you will find several advices to be able to fight it.

1. Give yourself permission to relax

Without a doubt, the most important thing you can do to avoid emotional fatigue is to get some calm. It doesn’t matter how many things you have to do; each day, you should have at least half an hour to relax, choosing to do something you prefer right now.

On the other hand, if it takes you a long time to disconnect, it can be helpful to practice an activity such as meditation. Doing so will increase your mind control ability and your ability to control emotions. On a more cognitive level, it’s also a good way to gain mental alertness.

2. Avoid overstimulation

We live in an overconnected/overstimulated world. Our minds receive, without pause, a great amount of sensory information. In this way, it is practically impossible not to divert her attention, and she ends up getting used to this rhythm that imposes a constant exchange from one stimulus to another. Therefore, we have more and more difficulty concentrating.

If you want to fight emotional fatigue, focus so that your surroundings don’t distract your attention. If you’re working, turn off all cell phone notifications and prevent them from distracting your colleagues. On the contrary, when you are relaxed, forget about work. Each activity has its moment, and it’s important that you don’t mix them up.

Relaxed man after a day of work.

3. Be realistic

One of the things that can cause the most anxiety is setting goals that are too demanding, more than ones we can actually achieve. When we have too many things to do, we get upset and try to do too many activities at the same time. Paradoxically, this tends to harm our productive capacity instead of improving it.

Therefore, it is essential that you know yourself well. If you find that you can’t do everything you had thought about, don’t worry; prioritize and finish what is most important. In the end, worrying won’t make you faster, it’s the other way around.

In short: emotional fatigue is something that can affect everyone, but we can fight it. If you believe it is affecting your life, try applying this advice to your daily life to make it a thing of the past.

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