Having Been Hurt Makes Us Sensitive To The Wounds Of The World

Having been hurt makes us sensitive to the wounds of the world

It is interesting to try to understand how the history we live defines our personality, and how the same situation can generate wounds or such different representations.

It is true that people who have been hurt by the past are usually the most built, the most elaborate and the most prepared to face and transform adversity.

Of course, suffering forces us to contemplate other realities that are more diverse and less centered on ourselves. In other words,  having been hurt makes us sensitive to the wounds of the world.


Transforming the pain to be able to move forward

The person who has been injured needs certain psychological means to be able to return to the world once he is willing to return. That is, you must be able to act in such a way that your pain is alleviated.

So transforming pain by making these memories great or fun is a great job of resilience. Emotional distancing is made possible by defense mechanisms that, although complicated, may be necessary.

The most common emotional reactions are usually these:

  • The denial: “don’t think I’ve suffered”
  • Isolation: “I remember a certain event but I don’t have any affection”
  • The flight forward: “I constantly watch to prevent the anguish from recurring”
  • Intellectualize events: “the more I try to understand, the more I am overwhelmed by an unbearable emotion”

Wounded we are emotional and sensitive beings

All it takes is for the injured person to find himself in life with someone who means something to him. So the flame lights up again and guides her back to the world.

Therefore, an injured person knows that he is no longer like the others and never will be. Also, let’s say that while you belonged to another world, what you already knew was changing.

This adds to their state a greater lack of knowledge and bewilderment, as it is enough to identify a pain to equip themselves with wisdom and tact in relation to past traces, present regrets and those that are foreseen for the future.


The injured people, the most beautiful

Obviously we will never be able to completely put an end to the problems, as they will always remain footprints and the fear that the ghosts that left them will come back to life. However,  overcoming the wounds allows us to make our existence more bearable, more beautiful and more meaningful.

For this reason, it is worth saying that the strength that comes from difficulty allows us to walk in the footsteps of those ghosts of the past, to give voice to our torments and to give more strength to those attitudes that imply love and understanding for the world.

People who have been hurt and have emerged victorious have an amazing capacity for gratitude. They know that it’s not possible to be what we weren’t, but that we can give of ourselves what makes others happy.

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