Falling In Love Is Loving Coincidences, And Loving Is Falling In Love With Differences

Falling in love is loving coincidences, and loving is falling in love with differences

When someone falls in love
the groups of time scale into oblivion
unhappiness is filled with miracles
fear turns to daring
and death does not leave its cave
falling in love is a free omen
an open window to a new tree
a feat of the feelings
an almost unbearable prosperity
and an exercise against misfortune
on the contrary, to be out of love
is to see the body as it
did and not as the look invented it
is to return poorer to the old enigma
and find sadness in the mirror

Mario Benedetti

They say love was invented by a boy with his eyes closed, that’s why we fell so blindly in love.  When someone falls in love, he loses the sense of reality, projects his ideals of love into his beloved being and desires it at every moment.

However, love is not physical attraction nor living in an ideal world of butterflies and romance. True love is one that accepts and does not give half affection.


Loving is a big challenge.  To love we need to get rid of these projections and idealizations and start a new process that can end up being complicated, but very beautiful.

Let’s say that time builds love between two people who work, accept and manage to love their differences and their particularities. This goes beyond passion,  creating the magic of being accepted unconditionally between the two.

love in its entirety

What is falling in love?

Find a smile on your face. Draw a morning or an evening.
Hide an escaping tear. Hide our hands when we accidentally touch each other.

Sweating when we see each other, like children. Maybe start shivering when kissing.
Evade the looks of mystery. Wait for the right moment to attack.

What is love?

Years may have passed. And, even if everyone thinks that the flame went out, they are wrong to think that the past will always be the best memory that will remain of the two.

Searching inside your eyes and finding precisely the universe I designed is the greatest reward in the world. And that reward is that, by being loved, I can make happiness grow.

– Anonymous –

what is love

Being a perfect couple does not mean not having problems, but knowing how to solve them.  So, to love is, in a way, to be in love with our differences. Seeing our partner’s good and bad, without anesthesia.

We all know that passion and falling in love don’t last more than a few months. Precisely, it’s love that lasts, so  true love is one that cultivates commitment, attraction and intimacy.

Love is built on the foundations of joint and individual well-being, fostering the personal growth of each one and reducing all the emotional vulnerability that is present in us.

As we already know, love is not just happiness, it is also stability, trust, protection, growth and unconditionalness. This is what makes you complete, unique and true to love.

Let’s say that where we love and where they love us is the most beautiful place in the world. Because there will reside tenderness, melodies, trust, sincerity, value, me and you, tomorrow and always, and the “I’m happy if you go too”. Definitely, where there is love, the heart hears its favorite music.

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