Eliminate The Thoughts That Limit You!

Eliminate the thoughts that limit you!

Have you ever wanted to achieve something, but you set yourself limitations for not achieving it?  Phrases like:  “I want to do this, but I don’t have the ability, I’m not that bright; it takes a lot of effort…” are thoughts that limit and prevent you from getting what you want.

Thoughts can open doors for us or close them. That depends on us. Do you want your thoughts to allow you to grow, or do you prefer to stay where you are and not move forward? Next, let’s get to know these thoughts that limit us to be able to face them.

“The slave’s mind”

Limiting thinking always invites you to think about the future and never about the present. Avoid taking the trip you want so much because tomorrow you may need that money, the dilemma of whether or not to buy something because you invest it in something better… All these thoughts limit you, put you in doubt and in a mental struggle that prevents you from deciding today, always thinking about tomorrow.


Think today! As they always say:  live in the present! Who knows what will happen tomorrow. Really, do you want to limit yourself? Tomorrow your life may change, you may regret not having done what you wanted. So do it now, because the days go by and don’t repeat themselves, and in the course of it everything changes.

“The disorganized mind”

When the mind is not organized, it also manifests outwardly. Our house, our own dorm, our job, our life. Everything is chaos, a disorder in which we don’t know where to start to solve the problems. This limits your life and stresses you out.

Let’s look at this example: a person has a lot of work, at home he also has his own obligations, but everything is in chaos and he doesn’t know where to start organizing. Here is the question.  If you want to organize your mind, organize your exterior first. Put papers in order, clean the house, organize your schedule, etc. This will help you and your mind will feel organized, having everything clear to start working.

Put an end to the mess!

“The victim mind”

There are more people who are victimizers than may at first appear. They may feel comfortable in their role as victims, but the truth is, their minds are limited. Like?

A person who plays the victim will always think that the world is against him, that he hasn’t achieved his due because of others’ fault, that no one has helped him…  This only increases the limitations. Your own mind, your own attitude limits you!


If faced with any adversity you feel defeated, what awaits you? Self-esteem will decrease, the feeling of impotence and frustration will come, and you will be filled with anger. And this is not the worst thing, the worst thing is that the person will be quiet for not being able to have control.

It is necessary to change the way of thinking. Nobody is against you, the world is not against you. Stop blaming others for your defeats and learn to face them to become stronger. Playing the victim doesn’t solve life and doesn’t make it any easier! On the contrary, it limits.

“The insecure mind”

Insecurity prevents you from moving forward and limits you.  You think you don’t deserve anything, that the little that comes is fine because you don’t value yourself. It’s not like that, don’t limit yourself!

Why this insecurity? It is not necessary to find yourself the best and perfect person to achieve what you have in mind, but it is very important to try.

Think about the opportunities you miss by limiting yourself in this way. For example, if you think you deserve a promotion, your insecurity will keep you from talking to your boss. Not just asking, but talking, suggesting. It’s what you deserve! But your insecure mind tells you to settle for what you have.

The same happens in other areas, such as your relationship. Is it necessary to tolerate a person who humiliates you for not believing that you deserve better?  You are limiting your life! Your happiness! Put an end to thoughts that limit you and be happy. You will see how everything will be better.

Do you know of any thoughts other than the limit? Did you feel identified with this? If so, work to find a solution! Don’t allow your life to be ruled by thoughts that limit you.

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