Ego Distorts Reality

the ego distorts reality

A person with an “ego” problem is usually unpleasant, selfish, malicious, destructive and tends to judge others negatively.

The ego needs to continually show a good image to society, after all, it is not humble at all. It’s like an illusion, a fantasy that puts you above others. The opinion you have about yourself is distorted, the real “I” moves away and knowing yourself becomes complicated.

People who live deceived by the ego believe they are superior and do not see reality. It’s a mistake in thinking, trying to make a presentation of how you would like to be instead of presenting yourself as you really are.  It is a social mask, a role that moves us further and further away from what we really are.

This mask needs flattery, the approval of others, it needs to be in control of situations and people, it wants to have power because deep down, it feels fear and needs to show itself superior to hide its true feeling of inferiority.  The ego is like a character that creates and moves away from simplicity. It is characterized by complication,  by a false self-esteem that needs to project itself so that no one can see the enormous insecurity that lurks inside.

And if the ego dominates me, what happens?

You won’t risk too much for fear of failing, you will stay in the comfort zone and routine, which feeds your false “I” with flattery and acceptance from others. The known terrain will be your habitat, you will only live where you are accepted. You don’t want to risk unknown situations for fear of being disapproved or criticized. A person who has true self-esteem is not afraid to explore the unknown. That’s because the disapproval of others is accepted and doesn’t bother her. They are opportunities to learn without diminishing your personal value.

And what happens if we don’t feed the ego?

When the ego is not fed by others, the person feels bad and may have to deal with a multitude of negative emotions such as shyness, anger, self-pity and fear. Then, we will realize that it was all about false security in disguise.

When a person does not accept criticism and does not recognize himself, the mask falls, and we can realize that we are not who we thought we were. According to the ego, your identity depends on what people think about you, which is why it is so important not to let the ego dominate your life. If that happens, you will be like a leaf that moves with the force of the wind, based on what you receive from society.

How can we master the ego and let our true essence show up?

The ego develops in the form of protection. We usually let ourselves be dominated by it because that way we feel safer against any attack. The voice of the ego confuses us and pulls us away from our true being, prevents us from feeling the things of the heart and the purest of emotions. It is important for you to be able to understand that  all outside acceptance needs are just illusions and fantasies created by your ego.

You don’t need any of this to be happy, the only thing you need is for you to be submerged in simplicity and humility. Do not want to be more than you are, nor believe you are less, because in the end, we are all the same. Our inner essence is not that complicated, try to eliminate guilt, demands, perfectionism, the need to win or to be right and greed from your life.  Enjoy the little things, appreciate the beauty of life, indulge in personal desires (fun doing hobbies, personal care, self-love, shopping on a whim).

In the end, we realize that the human being is not so complicated, that if we put aside thoughts, we are simple beings who only want to enjoy the existence of a good company. Let the love flow naturally, accept yourself for who you really are, and have a lot of fun. Listen to your inner essence relaxing. We have within us a person who is very worthwhile, do not let the ego deceive you and show the worst of you.

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