Don’t Yell At Me

Do not yell at me

No matter how much you scream, I won’t obey you. I go my way and sometimes I make mistakes, but no matter how much you scream, I won’t slow my steps: you will only show your lack of manners.

You know what they say: it is not the one who shouts who is right, on the contrary, he gets less respect and more incomprehension. Words are the best vehicle for communication, but we forget that when we raise our voice, they lose their value.

To reach an agreement, a “thank you” or “please”, a well-founded expression, is worth more than shouts that silence any reason. Don’t scream, talk, listen to me, be patient and help me learn from my mistakes. Let’s learn from each other, let’s not get lost in loud howls as if we were wolves; we are not wild animals, we are rational beings.


The one who screams tries to attack us with his combat weapon: the word

Don’t yell at me, don’t attack me, don’t use words to hurt. Be aware that if your words don’t pass the filter of reason, they can poison a relationship. Be brave and speak. Think if you scream we won’t come to an agreement because I won’t play your game.

Don’t intimidate me with your tone of voice, because I won’t listen to you. I’ll run away from your screams as if it wasn’t me, because for us to talk you need to respect me. And the keys to respect are listening and accepting that not everyone thinks like you… and there will be some issues that we think about differently.

If you don’t know how to communicate, if you feel frustrated and anger reaches your mouth before you can think what you say, put yourself in my shoes and maybe then understand me and don’t yell at me. If you don’t know how to do this, I’ll give you some advice: “dramas, labels, ‘shoulds’, ‘always right’” are not good food for a relationship.

Don’t keep the little things to yourself and then shout out loud and in detail what bothered you. Don’t leave it for later: talk to me, teach me, share with me what bothered you, so we can find a solution to our problem. Wow, because it’s our problem…

And if we are at a crossroads, it is better for each of us to choose our path instead of using the screams to express our pain. Don’t scream, because then we won’t learn anything. Don’t scream if you like me or love me.


If you want to teach good manners, be the example

Don’t tell me your kindness, don’t sell yourself as a victim or eternal sufferer, show me what you really want; be an example, not a bully. If you ask for something, it had better be something you do too and ask politely. Remember that he who gives, receives; not one who demands something in return.

Think that we are not perfect, that we all make mistakes… but we also learn, change and build things around us. Tell me about your fears, open your heart, let me understand you so we can replace the screams with a “please”.

Let’s learn together, get to know each other better, let’s try to be like we really are, but with more education. Don’t yell at me when you don’t like what I do, because if you love me, you’ll accept me for who I am. Don’t try to change me by screaming at me; that way will only make me suffer. No matter how much you scream, I won’t tell you where I’m going.

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