Don’t Ask Luck What Effort Alone Can Give

Don't ask luck what only effort can give

It is common knowledge that in order  to achieve something that we want with all our strength, the first step is always to take the initiative  and understand that we are going to have to strive for it. Luck can influence our achievements, as we are surrounded by conditions and consequences of other acts, but effort will always be the main factor.

The will that we add to our intelligence, creativity or work, for example, will make what we propose to be a little closer to us, so  that we are able to carry out the projects that we most desire. Relying on luck can help, but only if we are willing to take advantage of your arrival.

Attitude is the best friend of effort

Preparing your mind to think that if we try hard we’ll succeed is as wrong an idea as thinking that luck alone will do our job. In other words, it  ‘s much more beneficial to accept from the start that we can have one failure after another even though we try harder than anyone else.

girl with birds

The reality is that our results are not always what they deserve and, in addition, we have to be aware that we cannot achieve everything we want with all the effort in the world. We have our personal and social limits: effort is a big part, but it’s not all.

For this reason, mainly, the attitude with which we face the things we accomplish is the best friend of the effort: a positive attitude towards what we are capable of achieving will help us to recognize our goals  and will bring us much closer to them.

Not believing in the effort leads us to conformism

These days we are more and more likely to think that “the other” gets things effortlessly, out of “sheer luck”; and that, therefore, we have to be content with what life wants to give us. Conformity comes when someone accepts that luck is more important than effort and when failure is positive, since they didn’t expect to succeed.

Precisely, as well as Gandhi could see, our greatest victory should be being aware of the effort we put into a project and what we can give of ourselves. The result is important, but so is our personal development.

Not believing in the effort and in what we do every day to fulfill the dreams we have in mind only leads us to settle for a type of person we really don’t want to be, who didn’t achieve the feat he wanted.

girl flying over feather

Discipline and Education of Children: Keys to Valuing Effort

One of the bases of these notions is in teaching and in how to instill a discipline to work with children. These are fundamental keys for the individual and collective growth of society:  educating a child with the principles of effort will give him enough tools for him not to fail to surpass himself as an adult.

Example is always one of the most useful forms of teaching, because if we believe more in the power of effort than luck when we are adults, then we will be able to convey this to children. This way they will learn to deal with their difficulties, to be less pampered and more constant, to understand the value of the will to overcome, etc.

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