Dilts Three Tools To Transform Your Inner World

Dilts Three Tools to Transform Your Inner World

“An idea is like a virus, it has you.” This sentence was said by the main character of the movie “The Origin”, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Interestingly, this statement is much to the liking of Robert Dilts, writer and expert in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and will form the foundation of this article. Do you feel dissatisfied with your reality and believe that there is something wrong with your world? Perhaps by making a transformation within yourself, you will be able to correct it.

Don’t forget that once we process ideas, experiences and situations, we internalize them and make them our own. Right now we are representing our own reality. Depending on how these processes, representations and interpretations are, we will build our own definition.

We all have a belief system that defines us and helps us make our own representation of the world. Depending on how such representation is, we will feel more or less identified with an idea, event or act. However, something we don’t like because it’s a certain way isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If we believe we can change for the better, we have to try. This is where Robert Dilts’ neurological levels come in.

Dilts Tools to Transform Your Inner World

Robert Dilts proposes a series of tools that can be of great use to transform our world. This expert NLP writer and consultant has launched a set of powerful ideas that can change the way we see reality and understand ourselves.

Point of view magnification

It’s a very human tendency that we feel very special. We really are, but not everything that happens to us is unique. That is, many of the situations we live in have already been experienced by other people. If we are able to work on empathy, we will gain perspective and understanding of our world, as well as our surroundings.

think together

In other words, as part of the world that we are, we have to try to understand others and put ourselves in their place. Thanks to this exercise in empathy, we will be able to achieve a much more enriching perspective for our own being.

a problem is an opportunity

Do you want to continue rewriting your entire being? Turn every problem into an opportunity. It’s true that it may sound easy to say, but not so much to put into practice. However, it is not impossible and more and more people do.

In this sense, it all depends on how we interpret failure. We may be overwhelmed by our own inability, but we also have the opportunity to learn from lived experience. In the latter case, it’s good to explore what happened and use the lessons learned to improve.

Remember, if after a failure you already think you are clumsy and useless, you are generating an idea that can be like a virus. The force resonating in your mind will eventually be a reality for you. In that case, you will not learn anything from your lived experiences and you will really feel like a failure.

Expansion of the temporal view

A great quote attributed to several writers and authors says that “the people who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it forever”. If we look at past and present reality as individual photos, we won’t be able to move on.


In fact, Dilts advises viewing reality as a movie, not pieces of a photo album. Everything that happens has a reason and is caused by a particular situation. So, if we learn and promote our learning and skills continuously, we will gain great personal advantages. Look at your world as a whole, not as individual experiences independent of each other.

Rewriting your whole being in ideas

In short, Dilts bets on a more optimistic view of the world. He considers that phrases like “I am” or “you are” have a lot of force. According to what accompanies these sentences, we can take a personal path or another.


For example, if we say to ourselves “I am useless”, we are eventually generating an idea that enters our brain. That way, there’s a lot more chance that you’ll actually think you’re a useless person. However, if we say “I am fantastic”, we are establishing an idea that gives us character, optimism and well-being.

So this is the way that Dilts believes we can rewrite our entire being. The power of ideas and thoughts is enormous. If we can use them more positively, all of this will affect our own well-being. You already have good tools; now, work to feel better!

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