Develop A New Meaning: Active Listening

Develop a New Meaning: Active Listening

We all have some power or some ability that sets us apart from others. Do you know what yours is? If you haven’t figured it out yet, you might want to read the following article.

Learn how to develop active listening, something everyone should have.

Active listening? And where is this studied?

Before moving on to explaining this new power or ability you will soon have, you need to know its details… of course, as a whole. With it you will be able to understand more and better the people around you. Your friends and family will feel closer to you and you can get what you want. Take it or leave it.

Not many people know the right science of what active listening is, let alone how to take advantage of it. This is a more than important tool, as it helps to relate to others, resolve conflicts, understand the feelings and opinions of others… It’s a new sense that we should all develop… don’t you think?

Develop active listening

If we are guided by the scientific or formal definition, active listening is said to be: “A way to pay more attention to the words (and gestures) of others, which allows us to deepen the points of view of others and cooperate with others.”

And what is this super power for? Did you think you were going to have the strength of the Hulk or the money of Iron Man? So, this new sense might be of more use than getting green and muscular or wearing a flying robot costume (although that’s great)! Now you will find out…

Coming back to real life, luckily we don’t have to save the planet from the bad guys, so by developing active listening you’ll also become a super hero.

Develop active listening

Three Aspects to Understanding Active Listening

1- It requires some effort on your part. This way, you will make the interlocutor feel comfortable, understood, free to express what he wants and to be able to focus on his feelings rather than his words. But of course, in the beginning it’s difficult because we’re not used to it…

Simply  try to be aware of what the other person is saying and stop thinking about what you want to say or respond to; your turn will come.

2- It’s not pretending to listen… It’s really listening! It’s no use putting on your best “attention face” and, in your head, thinking about a thousand things, from the shopping list for the weekend party, going through what you need to study or how to pay the bills. Active listening consists of two parts, listening on the one hand and attitude on the other.

Listen to the other, try to understand his words, the idea he is conveying… immerse yourself in the conversation.

3- Listening is a source of information.  It may be a little difficult at first to focus on someone who is talking non-stop. The subject may not be of interest to you, but believe me, you can take advantage of the situation.

Benefits of Active Listening

This technique can be used for good or for bad, so you must be very careful. The idea is that you gather information to help the other, not manipulate them.

This super power that we all have within us needs to be awakened. It generates very beautiful feelings in each other and, above all, it strengthens bonds with the people we care about. Active listening creates trust, security and closeness.

You can use it to resolve a conflict, mediate a problem between two people, get to know your family and friends more, be someone you can trust and, in turn, prepare yourself to become an excellent communicator.

Develop active listening

But wait a minute! If we were talking about listening, what does talking have to do here? It’s just that all the data we’ve gathered is then adapted to the conversation, turned into accurate advice, a word of relief … You will be the best friend, colleague, partner, son, father, brother, that no one has ever had! Did you realize it was true that you would have super power?

Let’s be different from others and start actively listening. Let’s put aside the “me, other me and super me” that dominates a conversation and let’s try to pay more attention to what others are saying.

Maybe this is a good time to understand why we have only one mouth and two ears… To speak half of what we hear! (or listen twice as much as we talk).

Now you have a super power at your disposal, to be the hero of any story.

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