Brother Bear: A Lesson In Personal Growth

Brother Bear: A Lesson in Personal Growth

Sometimes animated movies offer us lessons we didn’t expect to learn. This is what happens with the feature ‘Brother Bear’.

Personal growth takes place throughout life, regardless of a person’s will. On the other hand, although it is a progressive process, the progression is not usually linear. Small and big advances are combined with small and big setbacks.

On the other hand, the transition between childhood and adulthood is a process fraught with challenges. It is characterized by a paradigm shift. It is especially marked by taking responsibility. To exemplify this process, we will analyze the animated film ‘ Brother Bear’. 

Bear brother, the story of a man

Brother Bear  was an animated film released in 2003.  It tells the story of young Kenai, who is about to become an adult. During his entry into adulthood, Kenai hopes to receive a wooden totem. This totem, designated by the great spirits, will indicate to Kenai the trait that will guide his actions for the rest of his life.

Brother Bear Scene

However,  Kenai suffers great disappointment when the meaning of his totem is revealed. He was carved by the Great Spirits as a bear and represents love. Kenai hoped to receive a totem of courage, following in his brothers’ footsteps. His brother Sitka’s totem represents leadership, while his brother Denahi’s totem represents wisdom.

Angry and frustrated, Kenai goes in search of a bear that has just eaten the village’s fish. Sitka and Denahi follow, but an accident occurs and Sitka dies. Kenai wants revenge, so he chases and kills the bear. However, Sitka’s spirit intervenes. The magic of the great spirits turns Kenai into a bear.

Kenai, transformed into a bear, finds himself alone and disoriented in the forest. There, he meets the Koda bear cub, who lost his mother. Kenai and Koda must embark on a trip to Salto do Salmon. In this place, there is a mountain where the Great Spirits touch the Earth. Only there is it possible to break the spell and make Kenai go back to being human.

During this trip, Kenai will understand the true meaning of family. In addition, he will take on the responsibilities of an adult, such as taking care of the young ones. Kenai will strengthen the relationship with his brother Denahi. At the end of the movie, Kenai decides to remain a bear. He considers that between his two brothers, Denahi and little Koda, it is Koda who needs him the most.

The journey to personal growth

Several films show the personal growth of his characters in the context of a long journey of adventure.  Brother Bear  is one of those movies. In everyday life, these fantastic trips rarely happen. However, personal growth can easily be compared to a journey.

It is a long-term project that has no end. This project comprises a series of goals and objectives. Some of these goals can be set at the beginning of the trip and others can emerge throughout life. Personal goals vary depending on our abilities, capabilities and interests.

Life can be compared to a long and exciting journey. As time passes and we move along the path, we begin to increase our possibilities. These possibilities, in turn, will change our path. Going through moments of sadness, but also moments of great happiness and satisfaction.

bear brother, the movie

learn on the road

Our path lengthens as different people come together and we accumulate experiences. Many young people think that being an adult is a static classification with certain fixed characteristics. While being an adult involves certain social responsibilities, these are not the only characteristics that define an adult. Thus, adulthood is a state of constant learning.

The adult’s internal growth is focused on improving their quality of life. As we grow up, we realize that our actions involve certain reactions from our environment. It is necessary to identify the stimuli that generate certain responses. Thus, our actions win when they are consistent with what we hope to get.

In part, being an adult implies understanding that each person has their own processes and challenges.  The most important thing is to analyze our own actions and thoughts to identify our motivations. If we act on what motivates us, we will be able to establish vital goals and objectives that are consistent with our values ​​and expectations.

The importance of the support network for personal growth

A support network is the group of people with whom a relationship is maintained over time, with complicity and trust. This group of people is emotionally significant to us and is willing to support us. A support network provides help in difficult times. So, with the help of the people who form our circle of friends, bad times become bearable.

Scene from the movie Brother Bear

A support network can be formed by family and friends. The members of our support network have our absolute trust. In an effective interpersonal relationship, we are part of the support network of each of the members who are part of our network. Thus, collaboration is reciprocal and bidirectional.

To establish functional support networks, communication is the most important part. Communication allows us to understand other people’s behavior and motivations. Thus, a support network must be based on communication and trust. Communication allows the support network to adapt to the personal growth of each of its members as their goals and abilities change.

Growth takes place progressively, not as a sudden act. Thus, the transition from childhood to adulthood is a gradual process. During this process, family and friendships act as pillars that the individual can rely on, if necessary. It must be remembered that each young person must go through a period of self-knowledge and reflection.

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