As Of Today I Am My Priority And I Am No Longer Your Choice

As of today I am my priority and I will no longer be your option

I have often felt that I was not a priority for others.  I even decided not to see it and convinced myself otherwise. Sometimes it’s easier to ignore it than to accept that the other person doesn’t give us enough importance.

I justified situations in which I was replaced by someone else. I also justified negative behaviors such as criticism, thinking they were the result of stress or worry. In the end, I realized that I couldn’t go on like this and decided that, from today, my motto will be “I am my priority and I am no longer your option”.

Making me my priority doesn’t make me selfish

The multitude of times I heard that my new attitude is negative has convinced me that I’m doing it right. Incidentally, the only people who complain are those who came after me and then disappeared again.

At first, I doubted it and believed they might be right. I soon realized that  there is nothing more rewarding than loving myself, taking care of myself, pleasing myself and doing what I want. Sometimes this implies being alone, but it is not a negative thing.

In fact, when I became my priority, new people appeared in my life. You will find that you attract people who really care about you. They won’t be with you all day because they have lives and dreams to fulfill, but they will be there when they should be. It’s so gratifying to start living on your own and stop being just a second place in your life!

I accepted that there were people who only used me

prioritized woman

The hardest part of being my priority is recognizing that some people just use you.  When they need something, they turn to you. You feel that you are important, but only when you are interested in what they can get.

Sometimes this includes family members and people you thought were friends. It hurts so much because they have an important place in your heart. As I began to think of myself as my priority, I received a lot of complaints and criticism from these people.

They wanted me to remain the same. When I started using the word  no ” in response to their requests, more than one person got angry.  They didn’t seem to understand my behavior and so I realized they were a burden on my life.

In the end, I put a barrier between myself and these people. The difficult thing is when it comes to a family member, because he will always be part of your life. The difference is that now I say “no” when I feel like it and I don’t care about complaints.

The Importance of Recognizing That I’m Worthy

The main reason why my value was just one more option before was my insecurity  .  I thought I didn’t have as many qualities or motives that made me important. All the time I spent criticizing and hurting myself did me more harm than anything else.

When I decided to be my priority, I started looking for my qualities. It wasn’t easy at first, but once I accepted, they started to appear. I started noticing things I didn’t think were important and writing them down.

This has a snowball effect. When you find one quality and accept it, another begins to appear and so on. Don’t think that you lack qualities.  More likely, you need to pay more attention to who you really are.

I’m my priority and I won’t go back

prioritized woman

I must accept that it  is difficult to think about the past and not feel a certain  nostalgia. I miss the people who left my life. Sometimes I want to go back and continue as it was. But soon I remember how I felt and see that I am happier now. Of course, not everything is perfect, but life is already too complex in itself… to feel that I’m not important to the person next to me.

Once I realized I was just an option, a lot of people turned away. Some were distressed and others irritated. Of all, none came back to try to sort things out.

I suppose  everyone has a moment in our  lives  and these people’s is over completely. I don’t think there is any reason to restart “friendships”. In fact, I wouldn’t want to be anyone’s choice my whole life.

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